Need help with Apogee SQ-120 sensor


Active member
Hi guys,

I'm really sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't get this to work with any of my multimeters. I have 3 different meters and they all read the same. I set them to the smallest amount 200mv DC and all I can get is 000.1mv in the shade and 000.4mv at the surface.

The Rapid LED site says that I need to multiply the results by 5.0, but that would give me from .5 or 5 to 2 or 20 depending on the decimals, but I don't think that is correct.

Am I using the meter wrong, using the wrong meter or am I missing something?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

This is the sensor.
You are a little low on the Mv range. I assume you are in the right probe ports at the bottom? The 200mv setting reads up to 200mv or less. The Apogee goes above that, to at least 400mv.

What kind of numbers do you get on the 2V setting(assuming you have it), you would just need to shift the decimal place to get Mv from the 2v range.

Mv is a pretty small voltage, are you sure you are making GOOD contact with the probe? I could see problems with a poor connection.

Keep me posted on how it works out, I was looking to go the same route since I have ample multi-meters laying around.

After much testing and fighting with the meters and the sensor, I contacted Apogee support and they had me run a few tests with all three meters, flash light, etc. Bottom line is, the sensor was either calibrated wrong or wired wrong. They gave me an RMA# and have mailed me a new sensor.

Thank you again to all for trying to help.