need help with game plan for my tank..


New member
I always hate asking people for help, but i think i have to.. Im having alot of problems trying to figure out how im gunna set up my tank.. it's deffinetly different from the normal tanks out there becuse it's 4 foot tall.. all i need help with is the plumbing set up.. if there is any body that is good with plumbing that can help me i would be greatly appreciative.. I live right off of buckingham in lehigh..

i have been waiting 2 years to set this tank up, and now that my wife told me to go ahead with it, im in a mad rush to get the construction going before she pull's the plug on it again:D

thanks in advance...

4' tall... man, you might want to look into some serious Halides, like 1000 watters. It all depends on what type of tank your aiming for- SPS, LPS, SPS/LPS, FOWLR, etc. - This is just a basic rundown, I can get more specific if you like.

*Big tip* Be weary of the LFS's around here, Most of them are more worried about sales quota's than the actual health of your system. If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

A couple of LumenBright 400w retros from might work, but keeping anything other than some LPS/softies down low would be difficult, if not impossible. These reflectors are great at projecting light downward (spotlight) and you don't get alot of spillover. You could skip the Actinics by running 20k bulbs.


Good RO/DI- I'm using a SpectraPure 5 stage maxcap & I swear by them, 0 TDS for over 6 months now. make a good/cheap unit and Melev ( is making a nice system now.
Live Rock, Don't buy anything from around here, overpriced garbage if you ask me. Try, start hitchhiker & pest free.
get as large of a sump as you can, a fuge full of Chaeto (I'll give ya some), and a big skimmer.. 400g, ReeFlo Orca 250 would probably be perfect, a pro would be even better (Baldor motor & extended neck).[/IMG

*Carbon- Get a nice reactor and keep your water sparkling.

*GFO/Phosban- I dose Vodka, but a decent GFO fluidized reactor is a proven method for controlling phosphate- The Media is a little pricey unless you buy bulk from (good deals on bulk Carbon Calc/Alk/Mag sup also)

Depends on your plans- little more info would be helpful.
Calcium Reactor> I'm running a Schuran- build quality & ease of use are second to none. I run all my top-off through a Kalk reactor as well to keep my ph stable.

Pump/Circulation (need more info on your setup)
Sequence Dart- primary
Couple of Tunze 6201's on a controller? Vortechs maybe??

Controller- (again, need a little more info)
*Automate your whole tank, moniter ph/temp/orp, turn on fans/chiller/heaters, light timer, etc.. *
Neptune Aquacontroller
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12117435#post12117435 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer
4' tall... man, you might want to look into some serious Halides, like 1000 watters.

*Big tip* Be weary of the LFS's around here, Most of them are more worried about sales quota's than the actual health of your system. If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

Live Rock, Don't buy anything from around here, overpriced garbage if you ask me.

Yes, you definitively will need halides ... 1000 Watters for sure ... make that many of them.

Jason - most of the LFS's around here aren't that bad ... of course Jeff here feels he got ripped off by a local store, and has since been on a bashing trip of the LFS's.
Great Job Jeff.
Just as an FYI, we had a nice event last saturday - Most of the LFS's participated. Including the ones you feel ripped you off.

Jeff, you really are a piece of work ... LOVE the "occupation" part of your profile. Why don't you call me if you have something to say. Can't help the fact that you aren't able to estimate properly ... thats your issue.


For the most part, the rundown is pretty good though ... lays out most of the basics of the system. The reeflo 250 is a pretty good skimmer - i used to have one.
A good Ca RX like the schuran will be nice to add.
First off- I was never ripped off by any LFS, just given bad advice.
*I have a freind that was given a very bad deal (ripped off) so i may be a little bias*
There are a couple of decent ones- Rich at Boardroom or Ryan at SS and ummm, thats about it.

Marco- don't go there buddy.
I live in Lehigh your more than welcome to come by my house and check out my system. I have those lumen bright 400's on my tank if you want to see them in person. I have also set up many large Reef tanks 300gal. + in the past 10 years so I may be able to swing by your house and give you alot of Ideas.
PM me your number and I'll call you.

You guys need to be Nice.:D

I just keep my opinions to myself it's a lot safer in this hobby its a small world. Even though I may agree with a bit of both of your views.
hay guys thanks for trying to help me out and reefkeeper i will be pming you in a few..

im gunna be using 4 400w mh on lumarics, along with 4 110w vho's for the atinics..

the skimmer is a MLA preditor 2 downdraft skimmer with a mag 12 for circulation

the calcium reator is a diy.. the guy that i bought it off of was using it on a 600gal tank

there is gunna be a closed loop.. a dart pump and a ocean motion's 4 way

im gunna have a refugium, with a t5 lights above it..


all the water will be provided through a maxxima hi-s rodi
now for the question's...

1. there are 4 holes drilled in the bottom of the tank.. but the closed loop is gunna need 5.. 4 for the returns, and one for the intake.. were should i drill the hole for the intake..

2. should i drill a hole for the main return.. and if so, were should i drill this..

3. and the most importent question.. there is a 5 inch hole at the top of the tank.. i think the previous owner cut the hole to bypass the overflow.. should i block this hole up and go back to the overflow, or just go with the 5 inch hole.. I wish that stupid thing was not there..

4. inside the overflow there is two holes.. one is like 2 inch and the other is about a 1/2 inch.. is the smaller hole for the durso.. and how do i build a durso..

5. how should i arrange the sump and refugium..

here are some more pics and a mermaid pic.. oh yea baby.. get ready for it...

full tank

right side


left side

and stupid flippin hole on the left side

here is a pic of the sump.. i got this from you marco.. i believe you said it's a 150gal

and here you guys go.. the mermaid pic...


sorry you perves the wife is pregnant.. there is no way that she's getting in there.. im 6'4" for refrence...

the tank has alot of surface scratches but nothing deep.. i want to polish the tank, but im to scared... i destroyed my last tank by polishing it.. there was no way that i could pass the tank up even with the 5 inch hole and scratches.. for 500$ i could overlook the problems.. everything can be fixed (almoast)

thanks for any help guys... jason
Nice tank. Interesting hole pattern though.

Are you looking to go SPS, Softies, mixed?
Gotta love that sump. Looking back, i could've used it .. but nothing that couldn't be fixed with a rubbermaid tub. I don't remember how bad the chip was, just make sure it holds water for a while before putting it to use .. would be my suggestion. I think randy cut his hand pretty good while we carried it.
wow, i didin't know anyone cut themselfs in it.. was it when we were putting it on my truck?

im gunna go with mostly softys, and then throw a couple sps's in there randomly and see how they do...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12122260#post12122260 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CORALFISHG
now for the question's...

1. there are 4 holes drilled in the bottom of the tank.. but the closed loop is gunna need 5.. 4 for the returns, and one for the intake.. were should i drill the hole for the intake..

2. should i drill a hole for the main return.. and if so, were should i drill this..

3. and the most importent question.. there is a 5 inch hole at the top of the tank.. i think the previous owner cut the hole to bypass the overflow.. should i block this hole up and go back to the overflow, or just go with the 5 inch hole.. I wish that stupid thing was not there..

4. inside the overflow there is two holes.. one is like 2 inch and the other is about a 1/2 inch.. is the smaller hole for the durso.. and how do i build a durso..

5. how should i arrange the sump and refugium..

the tank has alot of surface scratches but nothing deep.. i want to polish the tank, but im to scared... i destroyed my last tank by polishing it.. there was no way that i could pass the tank up even with the 5 inch hole and scratches.. for 500$ i could overlook the problems.. everything can be fixed (almoast)

thanks for any help guys... jason

First off- holy frigging tank... that is tall

1- personally, I would come up about 1' off the bottom on the back of the tank. One hole should be fine but some people worry about fish getting stuck to the drain due to suction, they drill 2 just in case.

2. What about a single, calfo style overflow in the center? 3 holes 2 drains & 1 return. Have 1 drain direct feed your skimmer & the other go to the sump (can go into more detail if need be). What about that overflow in the corner (mermaid), whats wrong with it?

3. hmmm, got any close up pics of this?

4.Bigger holes are usually drains- Durso's are ok, but CJ style standpipes are the way to go, they can be built fairly easy/cheap:


5. With the sump in the pic, I would make the right section a fuge and maybe put some eggcrate under that first baffle to keep all your macro in there. I would have the flow going right to left-elevate the sump and use the holes on the bottom for drains.

* Your equipment looks pretty good, Lighting should be sufficient for LPS/Softies & maybe some SPS up top. I would highly recommend upgrading your skimmer, again, a ReeFlo Orca 250 would be perfect- especially with that sump (no skimmer section)
If you need a glass guy to come out there, lmk- Better to let a pro do the glass-polishing IMO

good luck, keep us posted on your build!
thank you ConcreteReefer.... unfortunetly this is a acrilic tank so unless you know how to polish acrilic you probably won't be able to help me in the polishing..

there is nothing that i can see wrong with the overflow.. the problem is that the 5inch hole on the other side of the tank is lower then the teeth on the overflow.. so i don't see how water will be able to get up high enough to go into the overflow unless i block up the 5 inch hole...

im actually gunna have a 55gal tank for the refugium plus the sump.. so the sump is just to supply all the equipment with water, and for all the monitors..

i will look into the CJ style standpipes.. i have never heard of this...

and i talk to thereefkeeper on the phone and he told me the same thing about the skimmer.. i think im gunna set it up with this one for now and see how it does, but i will deffinetly add it to the list of things that i want to upgrade...

no marco i don't have this paticuler polishig kit.. the last time that i tried doing it myself i absulutly destroyed my tank, so im scared to death to do it to this one.
marco that canda tank is insane.. that's deffinetly a reefer without a budget.. i on the other hand am trying to do this as low cost as possible.. but lets not kid ourself this is a 400gal plus tank, there's nothing cheap about it..
and about the acrylic polishing kit ... i have the light damage removal one. I had a 150g acrylic prior to this 265g ... i polished that one 2 times, once after i bought it, and the 2nd time when i sold it.

It all came out - pretty darn good too ... but it sure was a PITA. but then again .. it was a 150g with very little room for a tall & fat guy like me ... and the front corners were round, not 90*'s ... that sucked.
hay guys.. some serious work got done on the tank this weekend, no easter egg hunting for me.. my father in law came over and helped me bang out the viewing room in the garage, i built the light rack, and i made the stands for the sump, refugium, and for tank maintnance..

I made the light rack out of aluminum angle iron (damn is that stuff expensive) there is more support on the rack now.. i thought i took more pics of it but i guess not.. - did this on friday


then we got to building.. first we built a sub floor to raise it up so that it was level to the house. then we framed up the walls for the room

then the fun part, drywall.. I went with the drywall that is supposed to be able to handle moisture, but we will see..

it was getting dark out so i fired up one of the halides.


finally we call it the night, we worked from 8am till about 11 at night..

and here is the closest memaid pic your gunna get, the wife is about 6 months prego and she's about 5-6 (i think)