Need help with hooking up a Lighthouse to a IMAC


New member
Has anyone hooked one of these things up on a Mac and figured out how to monitor it outside the home? I went thru the instructions and successfully found an IP address that I was able to assign to the Lighthouse. I can use that IP address on my home computer, but can't figure out how to access it outside of my home. I'm not good at ALL with networking but I'm guessing this is probably just a few dozen keystrokes and I'd hate paying someone $100+ to come out and do that for me.

I tried support at Lighthouse and they are unable to help me.

My setup is - I have an Imac which is wirelessly connected to Airport Express. The Lighthouse ethernet cable goes from the controller to the back of my compter's ethernet. I found an IP address under: Apps/Utilities/Network Utility/Info/Ethernet Interface (en0) and per the Lighthouse directions I changed the 4th set of numbers. Then I set the Lighthouse IP address to that. Now my IMAC pulls up the webpage (which is AWESOME) but I can't access it outside the home.

Can anyone help?


Hi David,

I'm pretty bad with Networking, but sounds like it's a firewall. Are you using a Router? Most likely it's letting your "intranet" use it locally, but not the internet because the router is blocking it. You'll have to open up the port, basically telling the router it's ok to come in through that IP number.

Unfortunately I don't know how to do that. I wish Cory still worked here, he could figure it out for you.