Need help with new zoa frags


Big and Evil
I got a few frags in from an online retailer and they are not opening up two days later. What should I do to try to help them along. Anything? I dipped them in CoralRx when I got them, and all of my other zoa colonies are doing fine, so I dont think it is anything in my tank. Suggestions? Or am I just up a creek. This stinks because one of the frags not opening was the super blue spidermans that looked really awesome....
oh, tank params:

salinity 1.024 (trying to raise this slowly)
Ph 8.1
CA 470
Alk 12 (yeah alittle high I am dialing back my CA reactor)
Nitrates somewhere between 10 and zero
no nitrites or ammonia.
temp 78
I think you just have to be patient. My frags have taken as much as three or four days to open up fully..
I will check it tonight, but I run my frag and fuge lights on the reverse schedule so it shouldnt be an issue. At least not that big of one. I guess I just didnt expect it to take more than a day for the frags to open up. One of the frags does not look very good at all. The polyps are hard to tell apart. it looks more like a mound of grey flesh. the other one you can at least tell that there are seperate polyps.
Give them some time. Zoas can remain closed for weeks. Besides, The ALK difference between the vendor's and your water could be drastic. Retailers usually keep their alk on the lower side.