Need help with Osmolator


My Osmolator keeps pumping water from my storage container into my sump after the pump turns off from reaching level water in the sump. I got all the air bubbles out of the pump while it is submerged and it's still creating the siphon. I have my water is a 13 gallon garbage can and it is pumping 2 feet away to my sump. How can I stop the siphon from occuring? It even does this when I plug the controller in and the pump runs for a few seconds during the test phase.
It sounds like the water level in your storage container is higher than the output of the line from the pump. If you're unable to place your container in a lower spot, then you need to raise the height of the output tube. If you need to, you can even have the output tube pump water into the overflow box of your display.
Make sure outpit tube is not submerged otherwise tank water will end up in storage container. Just a reminder.
Good luck
When I fill my storage container completely up the water is about a foot higher compared to where the output tube pumps into my sump. This will cause the water to continuously drain into the sump after the pump shuts off?
Yes it will, it is just like siphoning water from your display tank or sump into a bucket. The output of the of the hose needs to be higher than the level in the reservoir being pulled from or it will siphon at least until they level out. It is recommended that you pump to the display tank for this reason in the manual.