Need help with reefkeeper elite


New member
I'll try to include all the details up front so this may be long.

The short version is, I have a reefkeeper elite connected to a pc4, sl1, sl2, and an mlc. It keeps randomly turning off all pc4 outlets and randomly turning them back on simultaneously. When they are off, the module status lights are all flashing.

All modules and the headuit as well as the sid have all been updated 1 by 1, and I did a factory reset.

The whole story is this. I purchased this system used, advertised as "used 8 months, excellent condition". There have been multiple discrepancies that lead me to believe it is much older than 8 months of use. When I discussed my issues with the seller, he informed me that he had never used it, but bought it off his "friend" who says it worked flawlessly.

I have attempted to call digital aquatics, as well as email them, as well as attempt to sign up for their support forum. I cannot get them on the phone, no returned message, no email response, and I am still waiting for admin approval to be able to post on their forum.

I did attempt to Google search my issue to no avail. I did find resolutions to other problems I have having with it and got those bugs worked out.

Due to me having to work out of town a lot lately, I am now almost to my time limit on filing a dispute with PayPal, so I am running out of options. I want the system if I can get it working properly. If not, I want my money back and I'll send it back to the seller. I can't turn around and sell it to someone else knowing it isn't working correctly. The seller seems to be legitimately trying to help me figure it out, and I do not think he did it on purpose. Or maybe there is something I am doing wrong on my end but I've read through countless threads and watched youtube videos on how to set it up via myreef 2.0, and I think I have done everything correctly.

Please help. Thanks.
Are you able to download MyReef 2.0 and verify all the settings? Actually I see that you have. Could be the display/controller and check all the input/output connections.
Yes, I have no problem connecting to myreef and programming everything. It will run for hours flawlessly, then just shut off. It usually is only off for around 5 seconds or so. Once it was apparently off for several hours overnight bc when I checked it in the morning, everything was off and the temp had dropped several degrees. This was the first night it was hooked up. I immediately turned the pc4 switch off and back on and it started back up, but the switch did not feel like it had tripped. After that I started watching it closely all day and that's when I discovered it turning on and off several times, and the module lights flashing. I currently have it unhooked bc I'm scared to trust it obviously.
Connect just the pc4 and the head unit and see how long it runs. One PC4 may be overloaded by the current demands of all the modules.
The SL1 and SL2 modules are more stable when used with the Hub which has it's own 9v power supply. This gives more stable readings. The PC4 modules are the 9v supply for the modules.
I do have a hub module that isn't connected bc when I had it hooked up, the myreef software couldn't see everything.

I also have 2 extra pc4's that I am not using, I can try swapping them out.

Would you mind telling me exactly how you would suggest wiring the system, as I have tried several configurations and couldn't get any of them to work using the hub.

Currently, I have the rke plugged into the pc4, then it daisy chains as follows: mlc, sl2,sl1, net, and then I had the sid plugged to the net for programming.

I also tried rke to pc4, then to another pc4, then another pc4, and then the rest of the modules. Had the same results.

I currently haven't even attempted to set up the net module as I just wanted to get everything working properly first.
The list of equipment on the pc4 is as follows: 150watt heater, sicce 2.0 return pump, tunze 9004 skimmer, and tunze osmolator ato. Shouldn't be too much load I wouldn't think. I'm well under the amperage rating right?
The SL1 and SL2 modules are more stable when used with the Hub which has it's own 9v power supply. This gives more stable readings. The PC4 modules are the 9v supply for the modules.
It's funny I have the rke as well. 1 pb4, 1 pc4, sl2 and h I had those occasional bugs. I think I had rerouted my connections between modules and that did it even though I've read it doesn't matter. Btw you can access DA support forum through their website.

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I have searched the da support forum with no luck. I tried signing up to post but it's making me wait for admin approval which hasn't happened yet.
So you think it may matter how the bus cables are routed? Do you have a recommended way to route them? I'll eventually need 2 of the pc4's, I should be ok leaving out the 3rd one if necessary.
you can try a pc4 at each end and still see if resets. Otherwise try head unit with one pc4 and if doesn't reset keep adding modules till it does and drop back off. Check each pc4, rj12 connector and all interconnecting cables for corrosion. This will definitely cause resetting
da support is very slow and email is probally the best solution. Someone will usually respond, but takes awhile.
I do have a hub module that isn't connected bc when I had it hooked up, the myreef software couldn't see everything.

I also have 2 extra pc4's that I am not using, I can try swapping them out.

Would you mind telling me exactly how you would suggest wiring the system, as I have tried several configurations and couldn't get any of them to work using the hub.

Currently, I have the rke plugged into the pc4, then it daisy chains as follows: mlc, sl2,sl1, net, and then I had the sid plugged to the net for programming.

I also tried rke to pc4, then to another pc4, then another pc4, and then the rest of the modules. Had the same results.

I currently haven't even attempted to set up the net module as I just wanted to get everything working properly first.

Are using a 9v power supply (wall wart) with the HUB to power it? If you use the hub plug all modules into it along with the 9v power supply. Or if you daisy chain without the hub put one PC4 first and one at the end of the chain as they provide power to the bus, other modules do not.

Are all modules updated to the latest firmware? When you update only 1 module can be hooked up to the SID at a time.

Frequent shutting down or restarting sounds like a communication issue which could be a bad bus cable or connection or bad firmware on a module or head unit.
I have had firmware corrupt on my pc4's a few times. It usually required an interrupted update to solve. Sometimes had to program with the wrong type and back just to clear corrupt firmware. Clean connections are mandatory and any corrosion will cause problems. The units connect via I2C to each other and power only comes from the PC4s or the Hub with external power. Check for salt creep on any connection and replace with different cable. If module is contaminated remove and use other modules. I have conformally coated all my pc4's and have never had more problems. Running since 2008 on 2 tanks.
Thanks for all the help so far everyone. Y'all are awesome!

I did not receive a power supply with the hub, so that explains why it isn't working with the hub connected. It has a spot to connect a 9v battery, but I haven't hooked one to it. I didn't know it needed to be powered.

All modules were individually plugged to the sid 1 at a time and updated. Some of them were already updated, I re updated them anyway to be sure. I also updated each pc4 individually. I then reset the head unit to factory settings after updating everything.

So if I am understanding correctly, if I want to leave the hub out, I need to daisy chain rke, pc4, mlc, sl2, sl1, net, pc4. And then I can hook the sid to the last pc4 for programming? I have only tried multiple pc4s in line with each other, I haven't tried separating them to either end of the chain. That's easy enough to do though.

I did try swapping bus cables around and it didn't seem to have an effect. All connections appear to be clean.

I am currently out of town for work so I can't try anything until Thursday. I'd like to have as many ideas of things to try as possible by then though so feel free to keep the suggestions coming.
I have had firmware corrupt on my pc4's a few times. It usually required an interrupted update to solve. Sometimes had to program with the wrong type and back just to clear corrupt firmware. Clean connections are mandatory and any corrosion will cause problems. The units connect via I2C to each other and power only comes from the PC4s or the Hub with external power. Check for salt creep on any connection and replace with different cable. If module is contaminated remove and use other modules. I have conformally coated all my pc4's and have never had more problems. Running since 2008 on 2 tanks.

I did initially run into a firmware corruption issue with a pc4 and had to do what you said. I found instructions online that walked me through getting it straightened out. I can't remember if that was the pc4 I am currently using or not though. Maybe that has something to do with it. After resetting everything and re updating it appeared to be working like the others as far as communicating with the myreef software.
Hub will need 9vDC supply not a battery. Preferably one with 1000mA of current or better. You should leave it out unless powered. Putting a PC4 at both ends should give a better 9v supply across all modules.
Yes, you can connect the sid to the pc4. I would remove sid after programming run without until you can get stable.