New member
My friend and i are getting a reef tank aprox. 300 gallon. These are just some ideas, idk what would really work. Obviously I doubt I can have even close to all these. I checked compatibility charts and they all seemed to work decently with each other. I'm sure personal experience would be a more reliable source however. I don't NEED any of these fish so similar suggestions are perfectly fine. As for fish I would like a few clowns-not picky on the kinds. Tangs- would like a yellow and a blue hippo tang. A false moorish idol-bannerfish. Dwarf angels- flame and or lemonpeel. Cardinal-bangaii. Dartfish-firefish. Jawfish-yellowheaded. Foxface- rabbit or foxface lo. Dottyback- indigo, bicolor, and or purple. Dragonet- blue or red. Wrasse-leopard or cleaner. Blennies-horned, lizard, segmented sailfin, and or scooter. Goby- neon, Catalina, cave transparent, tiger, and or my personal favorite engineer. Damsel-yellow tail, blue velvet, neon or tuxedo. Chromis- blue green, blue reef, and or limbaughi. For inverts I'm thinking snails, shrimp, crabs and hermit crabs but not sure what I like to watch their behavior. Sponges are nice. I like soft corrals especially with bright colors or weird shapes. And I like the idea of a couple anemones but idk what kinds. Anything that looks cool feel free to tell me about. As you can tell I'm still deep in planning and any info or help and suggestions is very appreciated. as for lighting and flow and filter ect. I will buy what is recommended for what I will be placing in my tank. Money isn't really a factor I will spend whatever will make my tank happy and enjoyable.
Thanks- Joe
Thanks- Joe