Need help with tank transfer!

Ok so I miss understood. This is for the new tank u are setting up?

LOL yeah setting up a new tank 180.

Going from this


to this


I made the mistake of not checking to see if there was holes cut on the stand so now I need to figure out how to cut the holes out with the tank on or get some people to move and than cut the holes by Saturday.
Can you cut it from the bottom with a oscillating tool. There should be a space between the stand and tank or prop the end up on a 2x4 to get more clearance. You will have to be careful not to hit the tank bottom
Can you cut it from the bottom with a oscillating tool. There should be a space between the stand and tank or prop the end up on a 2x4 to get more clearance. You will have to be careful not to hit the tank bottom

Yeah I just borrowed a dermal and will be going to get a rotary drill bit and the dermal has an adjustable spacer so I should able cut out the corners with it. I'm just worried about propping the end up on one side to get more clearance if that would cause to much stress on the tank.
Propping on one end with the tank empty will be fine. I would get a 2x4 longer then the width of the tank. Lift the tank high enough to get the 2x4 between the tank and stand
So yeah I got 4 2x4 propped it up on them than I cut out the holes with a dremal. How well should I wash the tank I did a light rinse on the Marineland 180.

Now I just need to figure the best way to transfer it on Sunday night and Monday.
If it is a new tank I normally just do a fill test with tap water in the garage on bricks and call that a rinse. U could still do that with a hose on the stand. I know tank is new but I always like to test and have it sit for 24 hr before getting plumbing done and equipment under all that water. I am probably over cautious. I have never had one leak yet
How long can fish last in a cooler with a heater, Air stone, and small piece of live rock? been in there since last night around 8
Well that is basically what a fish tank is. So if enough live rock a long time. Don’t feed them till all done
So I transfers the rocks and about 1/4 of the water from the 120 and the corals. Added new completely new sand.

So it looks like the my clam is dying from the transfer its keeps shrinking smaller and smaller in the shell not sure if there anything I can do. Also Looks like I am getting little ammonia spikes not sure if its prime or real ammonia using API Test kits. Fish are still in the cooler not sure if I want to tranfer them over yet.