Need help with zoa eating nudibranch


New member
Ok so I found 4 of them on the zoas pulled them out but I'm sure there is more. I read online that flatworm exit works well on them but as you see in the picture the rock is pretty large to dip an has a feather duster in the center. Can the tank be dosed with flatworm exit or will it kill the snails and feather duster? If so what else can be done to kill them? People say six lines are hit or miss so other means would be nice.


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i dipped all my zoas in a large bowl of bayer and tank water for 15min then in a 5gal bucket of fresh salt water to rinse, did this every 6 days for 5 treatments, its been a couple months and haven't seen them back. some colonys was on 2-3 pound rocks just let them rinse in the fresh salt water with a powerhead blowing on it for a hour or so, i didn't loose any zoas or fish in the process but do this at your own risk,
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