Need pics of Red Bugs?


New member
Can someone please show me what red bugs look like. I don't have any SPS in my tank yet, but I have these red bugs or worms all over the live rock. They are brown to red color.
There was a thread with a lot of pics, but I can't remember the title...



Sounds like you might have flatworms. You can treat them with Flatworm eXit by Salifert. Try to siphon out as much as you can first. The treatment is not toxic but the worms release a toxin when they die. Be ready with a water change afterwards and run carbon to get it all out. The worms are fairly harmless but could grow in population to the point of crashing your tank should many of the worms die.

To keep them under control get a six lined wrasse.
The little red bugs are micro-amphipods. They look like tiny bugs, not worms. Red bug infestations on Acropora corals may inhibit polyp extension and growth, but they don't seem to bother my stony corals. I have heard that Dragon Pipefish may eat these tiny red bugs as a food source, but my Green Mandarin fish won't touch them.
Thanks for the help everyone.
So its probably not Red bugs, but may be worms. They look like worms but when i stare hard at them they seem to move more like a pod.
How fast do the worms move? Most of the time they look still.
Yes, I researched and saw some pics of some flatworms and that is exactly what they are. Can they hurt anything? i was going to get a sixline wrasse anyway.So, the sixline will help?
If they are the small red ones a sixline will love it. My sixline cleared my tank within a week.
My spotted mandarin loves the 'harmless' ones. When I wiped out the pod population with a RB treatment, she wiped the red flat worms out:).
The normal red/brown planaria that alot of people have are only harmful if they die off en masse (i.e., get FWE-they are toxic to corals and fish when they die) or if their populations grow so much that they cover coral tissue and block light, etc. Acro Eating Flat Worms (AEFW) actually munch on your corals. I'm trying to eradicte now, but the cure seems worse than the disease, at least short term...