Need primer on modern reef lighting


Premium Member
Hi RC folks,
After a decade or so of reefkeeping, I left the hobby for about 8 years, and now starting to plan my re-entry with a big tank project. But a lot of my knowledge is probably out of date.

Is there a good one-stop resource on up to date considerations for lighting? I have always used metal halides and power compacts, but I want to know if there are more efficient, lower-heat, or lower-maintenance options that can be used for a range of corals. I am clueless about LEDs and such. (Will probably do a 150ish gallon tank but have not decided on coral species to keep).

I know this post is in the lighting forum but I wonder what other technologies have changed in the last 5-10 years that I need to brush up on (controllers? skimmers? are they tank-raising more species now?)

LEDs are here... Hit or miss it seems..some love.. some hate.. some have no problems getting growth with them.. others even using the same fixture do not..
Controllability is overwhelming and may account for hit or miss aspect..

Fixtures utilizing less than 3Watt LED diodes are typically for shallow tanks/low light corals.. Fixtures with 3W+ work for everything..

Prices can take your breath way but remember you have no bulb replacement costs and lower operating costs over the life of the product..

Controllers IMO are on the way out for some as many of the equipment has its own "control" functions so why have another not to mention the availability of "Smart Home" (smart outlets,etc..) .. But others can't live without as they think they need to know PH ;p
On my larger tanks I always ran MH's and to be honest they are IMO still the best overall light source for a blance of color and growth.

I have seen some epic T5 lit tanks as well.

I since moved on to LED due to overall adjust-ability and cost savings for electricity and heat as well during summer months.

I only have a 25G tank now but I really enjoy the LED look and the colors they bring out of corals.... Plus you can run them for more hours during the day where I used to just run MH's 7 hours a day. Also they seem to last a long long time! No more replacing bulbs every 6 months.

It takes a minute to get used to running such blue color spectrum but once your eyes get used to it LED's are awesome

I have a 75g cube, its 30" tall. I had a 25w mh, switched to one of the chinese blackbox led's, didnt seem to have the same coral growth. I recently pulled it and went back to the mh. I think if you have the $$$ the high end led's are good but too expensive for my wallet.