Need set-up suggestion for new tank.


Active member

I will be setting up a new tank in the near future and wanted to find out which set-up I should use.

The tank will be 84x36x28 (360 gallons) or 84x30x28 (305 gallons) and used as a room divider. It will be viewable on both long sides so the rockwork will be sort of an aisle or in line down the middle of the tank leaving room between the glass and the rocks on the long sides. Something like this:

-------------------------------- Glass
? (stream)
(stream) ?
-------------------------------- Glass

The tank will hav a single overflow on one end so I might have room for a wavebox on the other. Originally I was going to have a closed loop system with the intakes on the non-overflow side, but like the efficiency of the Tunze system.

Which system/setup do I want to go with. In the diagram above I thought that I could put the streams kitty-corner, but wouldn't this creat a whirlpool effect in the tank? What about having both streams on the opposite end of the overflow/returns and fluctuate the outputs to vary the currents and cause turbulance with the flow from the returns?

I spoke to a fellow reefer who runs 2 x 6100 with controller on his 330 (96x30x30), but he runs his in wall with a stream on each side facing each other (the returns come in from the back and cause the random flow).

Your help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If you are keeping SPS the 6200 would be better, if it is mixed and you will have other flow sources the 6100 is fine. I would use 2 of them, a whirlpool pattern is fine, if you use the wavebox it is not an issue so long as some flow carries the debris to the overflows.