Need some advise on qt/meds new fish

So i have a 210g mixed reef and have not added many fish since my ick outbreak from a non QT Power brown... lost a few fish... :headwalls:
So now i bought a 4-5in purple tang and 3 lyretail anthias from LA.. the plan was to put tang in 30g qt and anthias in 10g qt and observe for 1 week then tmm with prazio then observe for 2 weeks. The purple is doing great at 1 week now (will eat out of my hand) and ready to start tmm and prazio...but two of the anthias died.
One died the day after arrival the other the next day. The fish all arrived ok floated 25min and i cut tiny hole to check check sg and was surpriused at 1.017sg and quickly adjusted qt tanks. let fish go into qt and and all anthias hid and tang was fine. Within 6-12 hours one anthias had a sore on it side and was hiding and breathing fast other were ok. By next morning it was gone. Removed dead fish and when i got home from work one other was hiding allot and look funny on one side. Started treatment of furan 2 and one that was hiding died by next morning.

So im now in 2ng day of furan2 and remaining anthia looks goods and is eating good and only hiding at night.

How should i complete its qt process?

Also i want more than 1 anthias should order more to finish qt with her or wait till shes done?

If i wait..will she start to turn male before the other come in?

Anything else should I do with the tang other than the plan?

Is this plan ok?? im new to qt but i got burned before from not qt and did hypo-sal with tmm and 12 weeks of fallow. So far 2 years no relapse.

Thanks for any input
The sore on it's side could have very well been uronema, as anthias can sometimes be carriers. That is a disease you never want in your DT, so I would treat the QT with metronidazole (e.g. Seachem Metroplex) for 10-14 days.