need some flow advice


I have a nano tank a 13.5 fluval.

I have never felt I had enough flow I have been using (along with the stock pump it comes with) a

Hydor Koralia Nano Pump - 240

I just felt like it was a touch low. it moved water but never felt like enough. So i have been buying and trying small pumps

I have a Tunze 6015 which just seems to big in the tank. the footprint is huge.

I got a Maxi Jet 400

And I just got a Aqueon 500 and I am trying to use that. its double the flow. It is definitely a cheaper feeling pump but I think the 500 GPH flow is nice. Its also a little bigger footprint than the 240.

So i guess what are thoughts on 500 GPH in a 13.5 gallon nano tank? is it too much?

If it helps I have 1 clown, 1 Goby, 1 cleaner shrimp and some easy corals like hammers. all just frags nothing fancy.
answering my own thread. the Aqueon suction cup already let loose and the pump blew my sand all over. the 240 is back in the tank. I will just hope thats enough flow.

still love thoughts
I would aim for 30x or so total. You’ll get better overall flow with two smaller power heads than with one larger.
does that flow include return pump? So I have an eheim compactON 1000 return pump and a 240 Nano for just flow.

Is it combined water movement or just the additional in tank pump
I don't really factor in the return, but that's just me. Especially in reef tanks, the return contributes a very small percentage of the total flow considering what is considered to be optimal flow through the sump.