Need some frags but I cant go to swap


So I wont be able to make it to the Jan 31st swap but am looking for a few more frags for my new 75. Was wondering what people have available?? I am looking for zoos, mushrooms with color but am open to anything

I am in Lock Haven-near State College and Williamsport.


I was actually just about to start a thread. I have a bunch of small leather frags laying around and some green palythoas. I also have a couple sinularias that can be nipped anytime. I really am not looking to get much for anything, I just have a bunch of pieces from when I moved and want to get them out of my tank.
Oh, I am located just outside of Pottsville (17901). I think I am going to need to pass up this swap as well. Just too much going on and cant afford to lose a day of work.
I am located in Williamsport anything on fragswapper I have listed you can pickup at my place or we can meet up if U prefer
insane fish guy..thanks for the offer Pottsville is kind of far to go at the moment and I think its alittle too cold to ship right now. Every once in a while I end up on that side of the state. I might shoot you a PM when I am out that way next if its cool with you.

Still looking for frags?

I have:

Shrooms - flourescent green/purplish color
Sinularia Brassica, some frags, or colony - Purple
Orange Plate frags
Zoas - Green and brown/green

Let me know if your interested. I'm in State College
I am still interested.
PM me with what your asking for each one.
Do you have any pics?

I am down that way about twice a month so i could pick up

If you would like one of the pheonix zoo frags I have some on a plug and if U see anything else while U are here just PM me I will be home this weekend and possibly next week
we got some zoa frags from furman589,and p-mantis, at the swap. both good guys and there zoa frags are what they said and are doing great thanks guys
For what its worth I got some zoos from Furman back in December. They are doing really well. I would get stuff from him problem