Need some help being creative.


Premium Member
I have a 75g tank with the monolithic rock pile in the center. I really like the way some of the tanks are aquascaped but I'm not creative at all. Anyone care to help with some ideas? If you're local you can even stop over and take a look if you'd like.
Biggest things I'd wonder about any aquascaping is: What are you planning on having in the tank? Reef? Fish only? Also, where is the tank positioned in your place? Against a wall, out in the open? Basically how many sides are 'visible'. Want a central structure that can be seen on all sides or pushed to one side as the 'back' with more open room in front?
I bet you're a lot more creative than you give yourself credit for being. The easiest way would be to look at pictures of similarly sized tanks that you really like and copy their aquascaping :-).
The tank is against a wall. And really only 2 sides are visible. I'm trying for reef but only have kenya trees and green mushrooms. I kinda like the idea of some open sandbed. Just not sure about stacking and support. All the designs i've liked have been on bigger tanks.
With a 75g, I'd go with a cave/dome and then some smaller piles away from it. That's just my idea though! :) On the side closest to the wall, build up a nice size pile of rocks (use the puddy/epoxy/whatever to keep stable) with a cave' in the front of it. So you have a nice big 'shell' on the outside, lots of ledges at various heights. Then to the side you'll have smaller and smaller piles (without caves). This way you could have a nice cave area for fish/coral to hide in (or out of direct lighting for sensitive corals), plus the outside shell you could put lots of different corals. The varying height ledges would let you put those which need stronger lighting up top, lesser on bottom. Then the additional piles could likewise house different corals/macroalgae.

You could even build some ledge bridges to connect to the piles together to provide more coral support. Main thing is to not build the piles RIGHT up against the back glass; otherwise fish/etc might go hide back there and/or be trapped if some of the rock isn't too stable. Anyway, that's one idea for you! ;)
[/IMG] this 75 caught my eye
some more

if you're a minimalist ...

i don't like the central powerheads on this one, but the scape is nice
It's very hard to tell rockwork with all the corals in the way. I'm thinking about a cave-type formation on one side that tapers down to a sandbed on the opposite end. Now I'm hearing about drilling the rock and putting fiberglass rods (driveway markers). How do you cut those things?
Regular drill? Just do it slowly depending on the rock type as it may be more brittle than others and partial to splitting. Arrange the rockwork the way you want it, mark where things line up and then you can drill a shaft down/angled through the rocks. Slide in the rod and it'll help keep it all in place without having to epoxy the whole thing together.
Oh, the fiberglass rods cutting. Hehe. You can find something to cut them with at Lowes, or if you know the dimensions you need, can have them cut from where you get them usually.
i made a cave in my tank using a pvc pipe frame, maybe something along that lines would work for you?

the whole left side in my picture is hollow behind the rock, makes the tank look full with lots of ledges while still having plenty of room to swim around and my tangs used to love sleeping in the cave at night.
