I recently finished setting up my tank. I put Caribsea live sand and live rock in there and filled it up with water and let it clear up over night. The next day I test my ph which is around 8.1-8.4 and a Salanity of 1.023, from there I waited a couple more hours and went to buy 2 clown fish. I acclimated them for a while with the bag open slowly adding my tank water every 30 minutes which I did twice. Once that was over I got the turbo start and added the fish and the turbo start at the same time this was around 4pm ever since I’ve been monitoring them and all they’ve done is swim in the same place at the bottom for a while. And eventually they split up and one of them is at the very bottom with their mouth on the substrate of the tank and the rest of their body is up swimming and sometimes swimming backwards. And it also wedged itself under the rocks when I first put it in I was curious why but I had to lift the rock to get it out. The other clown fish seems to be swimming vertically a bit on the walls of the aquarium right now near the surface. I don’t know what’s wrong or if they’re anything wrong but all parameters seem to be in check and as well as temperature. Also do I need a air pump with a air stone for my tank it’s a 30 gallon glass rectangle and I only have a power pro filter in there with a Heater and air stone pumping air. If there’s anyone that can help please reply I’m knew the hobby and I’ve done research it’s just so tedious I feel like I have messed up at some point.