Need Some Help

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New member
First, if this is the wrong place to post this, I trust that the mods will lend me a hand and move it to an appropriate location. Thanks.

Some of you may or may not already know this, but one of my jobs is managing the live fish collection for a local university. (UWSP - University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point).

I oversee about 10-15 employee/volunteers, aquire fish, oversee 50+ (and growing) tanks, oversee research, provide a collection for students to learn fish biology and taxonomy from, and make sure all the fish are eating appropriately, healthy, and happy.

We get $500 a year to run this program.

I was recently notified that our saltwater systems nitrates are running exceedingly high. I need to do something about this, but have no budget to do so.

Because it is a fish only system, if I could get a large skimmer, and a dosing pump to run vodka, I would be able to keep it in a healthy range for our fish for a minimal cost indefinitely.

Long story short, I am looking for someone who is willing to donate said equipment, or a sponsor who is willing to. If it happened we would be more than happy to display advertising, and because we are a public university you could get a tax write off for a donation.

Advertising would be more sucessful than you think, our fish biology sector is growing (despite losing lots of funding in our recent political debacle in the state), and our whole community is starting to appreciate my little facility. We are doing more and more in the way of educational shows for kids from preschool through college, campus tours, open houses etc. We have several aquariums that are viewable at any time the university is open to the general public.

I really didnt want to beg, but we are coming to the point now where we might end up losing all of our funding. I need to be best prepared for that situation as possible. Many people put in a lot of hardwork as volunteers, and I put in 20+ weekly and see $30 out of it.

Any sort of help would be appreciated. Thanks again, and sorry if this is in the wrong area.
if I had an extra laying around I would give it to you no charge.....I will keep my eyes out for one for ya though... least one person is slightly interested. If you see any good deals let me know, Im looking all over the place trying to find something I can afford personally.
If there are any sponsors looking for a tax write off maybe they could make a large personal donation and I could arrange the rest...same goes to anyone else...we are also looking for tanks and I bet we could cover the cost of shipping.

Please let me know if you have stuff lying around that you cant get rid of, or want more money than you have been offered for...we could really use the help. Thanks again.
I would think that you would have a lot bigger response if you tried raising the money from local sponsers. Just a thought, but I would have the volunteers canvas the area with flyers for the project and see what kind of donations you can get that way. I would think that some LFS would want the publicity, especially from a University. Shoot me a pm and I will see what I can do for you.

Does your system all run off the same water or are all the tanks seperate? What size skimmer are you looking for? How long has the Nitrates been a problem? How old is the setup and what has changed that might have given you this issue.? Nitrate absorbing media isnt expensive and could help.

Anyways, just shoot me a pm with some contact info and we can talk and I will see what I can get you.
MagicReefer, thanks for the response.

Apparently the nitrates have been an issue for awhile. A volunteer approached me and talked to me about it last week. Apparently the kid I sent in charge of the saltwater (like a sub manager) has known about it but not done or said anything.

Im just finding out now, and need to come up with a solution that will work in the long term especially with any budget cuts that might be coming up.

As far as LFS's go, we really dont have anything within an hour and a half.

The system is all linked. Eventually when I get the funds I am going to be building a 240g tank - total system volume almost 480g.

I am looking for the largest skimmer I can get most likely.

This is not a reef setup (although there are corals in the sump) - all it is is fowlr. It basically is just one shark now, but we are looking to add other stuff.

The shark is healthy, but I need to amend this situation asap if I want to keep her that way.

Nitrates are probably in the 100ppm area.

Shooting you a PM now. Thanks again.
I would personally contact some of the big aquarium suppliers (dr fosters, marine depot, premium aquatics, etc) to see if they would be willing to donate any types or equipment, media, etc.

And I would contact local businesses around you also (banks, doctors offices, restaraunts, stores, etc) Maybe they could have advertising somewhere saying 'aquarium set-up' maintained by the following sponsors: Just have to make sure the university would be okay having a sign with the sponsor names in the area.

Your best bet for keeping this display going with the possible loss of funds is by having sponsors for the display. Do you have a local reef club? Look into that too. Some of the local guys might have extra media, etc lying around that you can use.
I have sent fosters messages on here, and via email. No response - slightly dissapointed. I figured if anyone would respond, it would have been them.

Same with marine depot, message on here, no response.

Local businesses are next I guess...and its not a bad idea. I think the university would rather see an aquatics sponsor instead of a million local ones, but they will have to deal.

Im making another thread on a local reef site as we speak.

Thanks for the ideas
We've given you over three weeks to get some support in this forum, but now it is time to take it to another venue. Thanks and good luck.
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