Need suggestions for a school of fish in a 75 Gallon

steven, what are your thoughts on the orange lined cardinalfish? i think they look much better than the longspine threadfins... ANYONE else have experience of having the orange lines in groups?

Apogon cyanosoma
I have no experience with the orange lined cardinals, yet, but I am considering some for my 75 g. A TOTM had some earlier this year. The orange line gets my vote so far pogiboy.

They seem harder to find at LFS here, they are offered on line, I see thread fins locally on occasion but only rarely the orange lines.
yeah im thinking orange lined...but i want to know if they are just as passive and school like the threadfish has anyone had any experience with the orange lined? probaby buy a bunch from live aquaria as my LFS doesnt ever have them either...i have a 75 too.. hehe
<a href="">Apogon cookii</a> are kinda cute, too ... we get them around here now and then. I think i'll try a small group when I move everone to my 108.
the totm that had the orange lined, well it turned out a pair formed up and wiped the rest out as the matured. threadfins are flat out your best bet. if youhave good lighting they look amazing.
TT: Which TOTM was that? I looked back and could find the one I was thinking of.

pogiboy: How about a small school of threadfins and a pair of orange lines? :)
anyone have experience with red stop light cardinals (apogen erythinus) or redtail cardinalfish (fowleria sp) They're both beautiful and my research says they'll school. I'm researching schooling one of them in my 150.
ok regarding quarantine... if i bought 5 threadfins... would it be wise to put them all in 1 quarantine tank? or should i buy one cardinalfish at a time??
i'm pretty sure you should get them all at one time and keep them together in one QT... they should be fine...

i had a blue assessor, yellow neon goby and lime striped goby in a 10g. QT together for 4 weeks no problem.... HTH