need tang recommendation for algae


180 gl. reef tank
Premium Member
Hi, I have a fairly new 180 gl tank that is going through an algae phase. i am getting very thin strands of brown algae growing on the tips of some of my sps corals. I try to blow them off with a turkey baster, but it grows right back. I have metal halides and T5s. I gave away my hippo and yellow tang because they were too agressive towards other fish. i have an algae blenny, and snails and a few hermit crabs. I would like to get a tang that would eat this algae and get along with my other fish, which include anthias, lyretail angels, multibar angels, bicolor angel, leopard wrasse, clownfish, cardinalfish and a firefish. What do you recommend?
Mary if its a slimy algae with air bubbles in it you may have dinos or a type of blue green cyano.if thats the case i dont know of any tangs that would help.If its more like green hair algae but brown then a blond naso might be a good choise
I bet your new tank is producing Nitrogen that is being used by algae/cyanos. Your tank may read <2 N03, but that is because it is being used up as it is produced. Your tank may just be too new for SPSs. You list about 10-12 fish and a new tank. Sounds like a tank that has not stabilized yet. Stick with Leathers and LPS until it matures.
Just my lousy 2cents.
well actually I moved a 110 gallon set-up into this 180 gallon in March. So I guess every new set-up goes through this. the sps are actually doing extremely well. I just need more algae eaters to keep things under control.
Kole tang.
Try vodka, sugar, or vinegar dosing to lower nutrients. Run GFO. I do all of the above on my 180 and it's still struggling after many years. If you have fish, the tank won't clean up their mess by itself. "Maturing" is overrated.
I disagree with the Kole Tang. Mine is easily the most agressive fish in my tank and my yellow tang was significantly larger than it when it was added. The kole quickly caught up size wise and now instigates fights with everything.
try a sea hare it should take care of it.. Don't forget to pass it around to other members around you that have similiar problems so that the animal doesn't die after it eats all your algae..
Loved the Tomini tang I had, good at rasping in hard to reach places too. Scopas is another decent choice. The Desjardini Sailfin is a cool choice for a tank that size. As with most anything that breathes, personalities and personal eating preference are a "chance" you will be taking with any specific species you choose.

I hope this helps.