New member
I recently took a job that is requiring me to move from Reno to Detroit. I have a 360 gallon reef tank that has been up for about 2.5 years full of fish and coral. I have about 25 various fish, a 12" banded cat shark, a 30" marbled cat shark, and a 14" eel. I found a LFS that is experienced and willing to help package up everything. I have been searching in Detroit for a shop able to store the live stock for about 2 months while I resetup my tank and cycle it. I only located one shop that was able to handle the shark, but wanted $2k/month plus initial setup costs, which is way more than I can afford to spend. I am out of options and need to get a plan in place ASAP. The coral I am going to put into my sisters reef tank on a rack. I came up with the idea to buy a kids pool (100 gallons) and set it up in my basement with a cover, skimmer, sock filter, heater, powerhead, light, and air pump. I am debating about blow up over hard plastic. Any thoughts, concerns, etc that I should think about. I am open to about any suggestions.