Need to Buy an Overflow and about #30 pounds of live rock


In Memoriam
Just like the title states, I have a friend setting up a 30 gal and we need an overflow and about 30 pounds of live rock.
I've got a really nice overflow, was selling it for 60$, but if you can take it off my hands for $40...

I let me see if I can find a picture..
Here you go, let me know if you are interested.

Aim: zurcdotnet

Oh, btw, this has to be drilled in the back of the tank, but it makes up for the siphon tube you have to struggle with everytime you clean it, or turn power off, etc.
Thanks Zurc but we're not planning on drilling the tank.

Illal whenever you get a chance post a pic of the overflow so I can see it has everything we need.

Thanks dude,

For sure!!! Whats up Mel, long time no talk bud.

You know your zoo frag is still here waiting for ya?

How much rock do you have by the way?

Thanx dude.
heres what it looks like and yes its 600 gph (i was being lazy about taking a pic so i found an identical one online...if u really want me to ill take the picture)
illal I tried to PM you but your inbox is full.

Mike, I should be calling you up tomorrow for the live rock.

Thanks guys.