Need to stock the new aquarium!


New member
Finally, the time has arrived for my 54g corner bowfront setup! Ammonia and Nitrites at 0, nitrates way low, now it's time to add some cleaners! What stores do you guys recommend for livestock? I have been frequenting Greenbank aquarium. Any other suggestions? I heard there was a new aquarium shop that opened in/around Newark (Andy, is that where you work?). How many crabs/snails do you think I should get for a 54g? I have about 90lbs of liverock in the aquarium and wet/dry.

Thanks for the suggestions.
THAT FISH PLACE, Dr.Macs, that new store I have heard is good but I personally havent been there yet :(, um all of people on here order them offline from dr. foster and smith and i belive dont quote me on that last one though. Stay away from the fish bowl in dover. Mixed feelings on the store but it sucks dont make the trip. As far as crabs and snails. Its hard to say. Kinda get what you need. If your sand is dirty get cerith snails (i think) to mix it up and like astrea snails for the glass and rocks. And for the big jobs get a few turbos. Hermits im not a fan of but you could get a some to eat detrius and the likes. And 90 lbs of rock is awesome. The more the merrier (as long as its not one tank full of rock and no water lol) GL ...hope i helped
Yes Premium Aquatics is the new shop in Newark and is also where I work during the evenings and weekends. Definitely try to get a good mix of everything. I personally like hermit crabs and have a bunch in my 90. I feel they keep the rocks clean and some of the sand bed, but I am also using cerith and nassarius snails for sand bed duties. For glass work I have regular and chestnut astrea's, some nerite snails, and maybe a few margarita snails.

I have seen all the little critters in my tank doing all the jobs in my tank for me. Thats why i say a good mix of everything has worked well for me.
Hey Josh
A clean up crew is a good start. You don't need to add them all at once. A few astrea(algae), cerith(diatom algae all around scavenger), nassarius (diatom algae all around scavenger)maybe a blue crab if you wanted. Nassarius are my favorate. They will work your sand bed and eat the food before it gets a chance to break down. You don't need a hugh amount to start but add to them over time. Also get a stocking list of the fish you want and that are compatable with your tank size. A 54g bowfront is not as long as a 55g so most tangs are out(a Yellow tang is good)
You may want to start with a hardy fish. Once you get the list together we will pick out the one thats the hardiest and start with him. Most people start with a damsel but I would start with a green/blue chromis. They are not the most expensive fish and they also are mild tempered. If latter you decided you didn't want the chromis many here would buy him.
I have had good luck with all out local stores. If you are close to williams greenbank, he is a good guy I shop there among other local stores. The new store is Premium Aquatics.
I wouldnt put a yellow tang in there, you said it's a corner tank, right? The standard 55 (48") would be a bare minimum. Putting it in a corner setup, especially with 90lbs of rock would be akin to setting it up in a 29. Maybe a dwarf Angel instead? Other than that, all the other suggestions are what I would've said. Good luck!
Thanks guys. May be a stupid question, but is Dr. Macs an online store?

As far as fish are concerned, I have a clownfish right now in my old 10g aquarium that will eventually get transplanted into the new one, along with a cleaner shrimp and a few astreas , scarlet hermits and blue legs. Oh yeah, and an OVERABUNDANCE of red shrooms and finger leather coral (some of which I will be bringing to the next meeting), a small candy cane coral, some orange zoos, and some green star polyps. The fish I was planning on getting were:
1. A pistol shrimp/goby pair (have over 80lbs of sand so they can dig to their hearts' content
2. Another clown (w/ anemone, down the road a bit) so my bachelor can take care of some business ;-)
3. Was thinking about yellow tang, but was concerned about the amount of actual swimming space he'd have...
4. Maybe a blenny if he will get along w/ the goby

Any other suggestions for smaller, very colorful, peaceful fish?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11729434#post11729434 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jfischer182
Thanks guys. May be a stupid question, but is Dr. Macs an online store?

As far as fish are concerned, I have a clownfish right now in my old 10g aquarium that will eventually get transplanted into the new one, along with a cleaner shrimp and a few astreas , scarlet hermits and blue legs. Oh yeah, and an OVERABUNDANCE of red shrooms and finger leather coral (some of which I will be bringing to the next meeting), a small candy cane coral, some orange zoos, and some green star polyps. The fish I was planning on getting were:
1. A pistol shrimp/goby pair (have over 80lbs of sand so they can dig to their hearts' content
2. Another clown (w/ anemone, down the road a bit) so my bachelor can take care of some business ;-)
3. Was thinking about yellow tang, but was concerned about the amount of actual swimming space he'd have...
4. Maybe a blenny if he will get along w/ the goby

Any other suggestions for smaller, very colorful, peaceful fish?


1. Fine
2. Better check that, HE is a SHE. And in the clown world she is the boss.
3. 90 lbs is a bit much in a 54g bow. You mentioned a wet/dry sump correct are you going to use the bio balls or pull them? Most people would recomend pulling them, and use some of the extra live rock in the sump for biological filtration.
3. For the most part they should bo fine.

Dr Macs...

I really like the colors of my flame angel. When I get the bigger tank started I wil mostly have tangs. I like them the best.
Thanks guys. I hit up Premium Aquatics last night, nice place! And large too. They have a sale on blue legs, $0.99. I have just completed transferring my 10g rock/sand/coral/fish/inverts into the 54g. The clown doesn't know WHAT to do, he's used to living in a shoebox!! Everything looks healthy. I'm gonna hold of on turning on the 150w metal halide for a day, then slowly ramp it up for a couple days thereafter. Does that sound reasonable?