Need your suggestions for weekly series...


Premium Member
Hey everyone, please list your suggestions for the Mollusk of the Week series. The only restriction is please no cephalopods (they belong in another forum). :D

Good job on this new forum, well done so far!

Here's two suggestions, one common, one not.

First, how about true Astraea snails like Lithopoma americanum?

And secondly, for the truly wierd,
Nudibranchs like Chromodoris sp., I believe known as Dorids.
Nice strange anatomy, agree?

Again, nice job. It's been interesting.
How about a few different types of threads than just moolusk of the week. Other ideas would be "HFF's question of the week" with a general question like...
1. Fish that have been clam nippers in your tank.
2. Clams and predator snails
3. Growth rate of your clam
4. Do you feed your clams?
5. Placement of clams.

Just another idea.
