needle wheel, mazzei injector or both???


New member
I'm getting torn right now on what to do. I am making a recirculating design and I was going to use a simple venturi before the pump. I this the place I should put a mazzei injector? If I use a mazzei injector will I even need a needle wheel or would both be the best?
I think a mazzie neeeds to go on the output side of the pump in order to draw air (or enough air) But the intake for a needle wheel goes on the intake side.
how big is the skimmer body? got any pics? i might have a couple of alternative ideas for you depending on the size of the skimmer.
Hey spazz, I saw some of your posts on your super needle wheel design! Damn I want to see that impeller. Anyway, the skimmer is not built yet and it's not the normal skimmer. First of all I'm building it into the back of my 40 breeder which I partitioned the back off. The body of the skimmer is going to be a rectangle with a footprint of 12" x 5" about and 14" tall. A Cup will fasten on top of that and it will have a 1" slot for the foam to rise the will be about 8" long and 6" tall. I want it to be recirculating and I was thinking about using the OR 2700. The return pump will feed the skimmer. There will be gate valves on the intake and output to adjust water level and flow. This is just the basics so far.
for that size chamber use the or 3700. you will be alot happer with the results and performance.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6528662#post6528662 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by abomb
will do, thanks! BTW are those pumps noisy?
nope they are very quiet. you will need to put a small mulffler on the intake of the air tube so you dont hear the slurping sounds.