needle wheel pumps? specs?


New member
I have a DIY 4in diameter, six foot tall skimmer that I would like to put a needle wheel pump to recirculate and inject air into the water which is already in the skimmer.

Which pump would you sugjest?

I am wondering how the pump will operate under presure (if it is under six feet of water) will it still inject the same amount of air that it would under 2 feet if water?
Your best bet would be to try and get ahold of a Sedra pump w/the needle wheel, however these are pretty hard to come by if you are not purchasing as a replacement for a EuroReef or ASM skimmer, although definitely not impossible to get. The OceanRunner pumps work ok but unfortunatley with the needle wheel conversion on them all the fittings come as a metric size, and are very hard to get to plumb directly up to fittings we have available here in the US.

You will definitely notice a performance difference between 2' and 6' of water pressure. This will especially be noticed with needle wheel impellers that do not do well with pressure applications in the first place.
Thank you for the reply.
Do you still have sedra pumps?
I see you sell SEN pumps but I'm not sure what the difference between Sedra and Sen pumps are... Do you have Sen pumps with needle wheel impellers?

The "Turboflotor 5000 Skimmer Single - 72in" PN: AM-71003 uses a Ocean Runner 3700 with a needle wheel. So I assume it would work for my skimmer.

But what type of fittings does it come with? Could a hose be connected to it?

What is the difference between SEN/Sedra needle wheel pumps and Ocean Runner needle wheel pumps quality wise? Is one louder than the other? Does one have a reputaion of lasting longer than the other? etc

Thank again.

The SEN pumps do not have any needle impeller optiosn, but Sedra's do have needle wheels, but you have to be registered EuroReef or ASM skimmer to get them.

The Ocean Runners, you can get without having one of there skimmers, it's a metric fitting pump though, so hooking it up might be difficult.

Both of these brands seems heavy duty and good quality.
What type of connections do the Ocean Runners come with?
Are they pipe fittings, does it also come with fittings for flexible tubing?
Do you have picutres of the fittings?

The needle wheel version of the OR pump has threaded fittings only and they are metric. We are trying to find some barbed fittings for them.

I was able to attach to the intake end of the OR3700 with a standard faucet adapter which you would put on an exterior hose valve. Then I added the air intake from there. On the exhaust I used flexible tubing and clamped it with a stainless steel hose clamp.
1/2" just like you connect to a valve for a garden hose. The threads matched up then I inserted a venturi from a RIO pump. On the output I went directly to flexible tubing and clamped with a stainless steal hose clamp.
No leaks, it is in the sump but If there was a leak I would see thousands of bubbles. I think I am now going to connecte it to a larger skimmer chamber like 6" x 23"