Neon Gobie starvation although always seen eating?


New member
I aslo posted this in the fish disease treatment forum, but I am posting it here as well for the additional traffic/input.

I have a pair of Neon Gobies (Gobiosoma Oceanops) that have been in my 55 gallon reef for the last 1.5 years. Over the last 3 months I have watched one of the pair become more and more emaciated, while the other is fat and happy. The odd thing is the emaciated of the pair is the one that I always see out and about on the prowl, and is always quick to be seen when food enters the tank.

The emaciated Goby is always seen cruising the glass, and rockwork, and stalking the copepods and other critters which are in abundance, it also is frequently picking and cleaning my Tang, and when tolerated my Saddleback Clown, in addition I will list what various foods I feed and the reaction. I cannot figure it out because it appears as if he is ALWAYS eating.

Ocean Nutrition - Formula 2: Pellet size too large, tries to eat, never seen consumed

Nori: it is always quick to pounce the veggie clip.. gets scared off by the tang's voracious eating habits, but the goby does get in when the tang takes breaks, and gets his fill (so it would appear)

Cycopleeze, frozen bar: Afflicted goby is first to arrive on the scene. appears to eat, but on straining my eyes to try to see the tiny particles spits them out (can't ascertain if this is always true)

Cyclopeeze, Golden Pearls, freeze dried blend (multiple particle sizes of Golden Pearls): similar reaction to the frozen Cyclopeeze.. due to particle size cannot tell if actually ingested however)

homemade frozen recipe (blend of basically all the above with garlic, fresh mollusks, shrimp, vitamins, selcon, ect): picks at but not with the same gusto as to Nori or cyclopeeze.. again hard to tell if ingested.

I am befuddled here, there is no apparent lack of appetite, nor lack of foodstuffs.. there are plenty of pods alone to keep him happy I'd assume.. he is constantly hunting them, and there are plenty.. there is no lack of food, nor apparent lack of appetite on his part, the only thing I am suspect of is watching him repeatedly spit out the frozen cyclopeeze.. it makes me wonder if this is a common theme, and he is doing the same with all foodstuffs; unfortunately my vision is not accurate enough for the particle sizes that it feeds upon to tell if he is ingesting or not.

more info including tank parameters can be provided.. they are all within target range, and stable. This is a well established 4.5 year old tank, and the only additions within the last year have been 1 colony of zoanthids, and a blue tort, both about 3 months ago.. ( (hmmm interesting about how long I've been watching my goby waste away.. I'll file that coincidence away). Any help is appreciated.. I'm stumped and don't know what else to try aside from quarantining him.. which I am probably going to set up this weekend.
thats why i didnt see my post.. posted it in the wrong forum.. sorry about that.. carry on.