Never lose track of your buddy!!


New member
This is a terrible story. A friend of mine actually knows the sons of the guy that drowned in the story. He was supposed to go with them to the Virgin Islands and went with a different group instead. My friend said the body was found mauled by sharks, and an autopsy was pretty much not able to be performed. They're not sure what caused the problem.

You may say a prayer for the family. I'm sure they need it

Another reason to never lose your buddy.
My heart goes out to the family. A similar incident occurred last year in Florida on the Spiegel Grove. We were down in Florida on spring break and was on the Grove the day before the three divers drowned inside her. Really brought home the importance of the buddy system to the students.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11544909#post11544909 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ShootMe
My heart goes out to the family. A similar incident occurred last year in Florida on the Spiegel Grove. We were down in Florida on spring break and was on the Grove the day before the three divers drowned inside her. Really brought home the importance of the buddy system to the students.
if we are talking about the same Spiegel Grove incident, having a buddy had nothing to do with the deaths, nothing but stupidity. They penetrated the wreck in single tanks, left once person at the outside of the wreck ( I think he survived) and if I recall (may have to run over to the deco stop and refresh my memory) they all ran out of air.
"single 80' back gas with another staged 80 outside the wreck. There was a reel but the line was busted.

From two ex students of mine (tech 1) who came across the first body and did the recovery on it (that diver was almost out of the wreck)"

ok 3 divers penetrated the wreck, and left one diver outside, the outside diver surfaced when he started to run low on gas. The other 3....well you can see the blurb above... plain stupidity.

OP: sad to hear, condolences
Sad to hear about this. Penetrating a wreck without proper equipment, training and technique will result in problems. This is unrelated to buddy diving; it is totally related to training.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11569156#post11569156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by snorvich
Sad to hear about this. Penetrating a wreck without proper equipment, training and technique will result in problems. This is unrelated to buddy diving; it is totally related to training.

The initial story that I posted about was not a wreck dive. The response to my post was discussing a wreck dive.

Either way, both are sad and unfortunate be it training or buddy diving related.