New 140 Gallon Aquarium - Equipment


New member
Hi All, I just moved into a brand new office and think an aquarium would be a stunning addition. I've been a scuba diver for over a decade and would love to bring the marine life indoors. I've done a ton of research and I'm ready to make the plunge - with the assistance of a local expert :-)

My initial set of major equipment is:

Tank - Miracles 135 Gallon with euro-brace (72" x 24" x 18")
Lights - 3 x Ecotech Radion XR30w Pro
Sump / Refugium - Trigger Ruby Elite 36
Skimmer - Vertex Omega 200i
Powerheads - 2 x Ecotech MP40s
Pump - Ecotech Vectra M1
Alert / Automation - Neptune Apex System

My questions are:
1. Radion vs Raion Pro. There's $150 (Canadian) difference per light. Will it really make a difference in a tank 18" deep? What about 20"... I may go with a 150 gallon at 20" deep tank.

2. The skimmer is rated for 225 gallons lightly stocked and 155 gallons heavily stocked. Practically I don't know the difference between lightly and heavily stocked. I've also read it's a good idea to size your skimmer at 1.5x total volume.

Thanks in advance and I'm open to any other recommendations.
No idea on the light but on heavy or light stock, I think you will be fine with this skimmer. It is recommended to start slow so I think you probably should have a list of live stock first then you will have a general idea of if it's heavily or lightly stocked. One important thing is try to take fish that use different level of water column.