Nice work.. I'm taking notes for my build
As far as your pump situation, here's some stuff you might find useful..
water flow is determined by the formula:
.25(pi) * (pipe diameter)^2 * water velocity
Thing is, you have a huge advantage over physicists; imperial reality. I would get a 1 gallon bucket (or some other known-size container) and time how long it takes to fill it. Then you'll know your actual flow rate. You could even find your max flow rate by opening that valve until the overflows _just_ start to fall behind, back it off a touch, and calculate it then.
Anyway, once you know your flow rate, you can get a pump that is the right size, and you'll save a ton of wear/tear on the pump (from not having to restrict it) and also save some energy, since you won't be running such a large pump.
As a side note, one of the things that affect flow rate is the amount of pressure on each side of the pipe. So, if you put an air gap between the overflow and your sump (cut the pipe so it doesn't actually enter the water) you'll increase your flow rate. But you'll also increase noise, evaporation, and you'll introduce a lot of air bubbles into your sump, so maybe you don't want to do that. (I like air gaps, however, and not just for the increased flow)