New 260 reef tank from great lakes aquarium

Big gun

New member
Hi guys I am looking for som advise thinking of haveing gla make me a 96x24x26 tank with over flow my question is do any of you have exp with these guys and what u think of there tanks ? Or am I better going with a all glass 210 72 x24x29 or a perfecto 220 72 x24x30 please help
No I did not sorry to say !I hope you have better luck I decided to go with a perfecto 265 reef ready 84x24x30 I feel safer with a big company seeing how the only reviews I got were from brad the owners son .dont get me wrong they sound like great people I just need more then that .Good luck
No I did not sorry to say !I hope you have better luck I decided to go with a perfecto 265 reef ready 84x24x30 I feel safer with a big company seeing how the only reviews I got were from brad the owners son .dont get me wrong they sound like great people I just need more then that .Good luck

Thanks for the quick reply.

I found two threads with some reviews. Better than nothing.