New 320G Tank i am starting comments welcome and asked


New member
just got the tank up and water in it, the stand is built. I dont have endless funds so this is a working progress. The tank is 330 custom rectangle, i got brand new and the sump is about 90 gallons that i am looking for a bigger but for now it will do.Ok, I've made more rock it's looking good so far can't wait to put it in the tank, I did some research onlights my 2 four bulb t5 fixtures are not gonna work so after two months of checking the aqua illuminations led sol system seems to fit me in the long run got 72 inch for my 8ft tank.


here are some pics


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i have 2 small chromis in there testing the water, Aquatic Marine is housing my Goby and 2 clowns waiting for the tank to be ready, I have about 200lbs more rock goin in I made it and waiting for it to cure. I have some ready now but the local store wanted to buy some, My friends and I are going to put the rack up today, I need some help with the canopy design and where to put and how to put all the wires and where? If u guys can help
Ok any body?????

Ok any body?????

Ok I posted on here hoping for some HELp, a lot of knowledge on this forum so please help me with ideas
What am I missing, where to place what, what fish would be cool,what kind of wood to use,design on hood, stand , where to place electrical, where to place power heads, I'm the amateur. All the threads I read a crap load of people threw all kinds of great ideas
It looks like you have all the basics
what kind of fish depends on what type of tank you want
if you are going to skin the stand then you can match the hood too the stand.
Electrical need to be neat and out of the way as much as possible
power heads depened on were you place corals and whet kind of coral.
Imo i would add more rock and do a little aqua scaping do have one of the hardest parts done already getting the tank up and running now you have to decide whaty you want in the tank (what coral,fish,ect) from hear you can do almost anything you want i would stast looking into some reactors,reef keeper just do what you can afford.
But looking good so far.
Welcome to RC!

If this was my tank, this is what I would do. I would set up a DSB as Dr Shimek recommends, and put in a duplex sump. You can read about the duplex sump here.... Mr Wilson is very knowledgable and is the one who set up Peter's (nineball's) tank. In the thread he addresses proper sump design and water flow.

As for a protein skimmer, this is my recommendation.... You would have to put it beside your tank, however they are great skimmers.

Do you have a chiller?

I would get rid of the sand and rock in your sump, it's just another place where detritus can accumulate.

I agree with CRAZYFISH with the wiring. Keep it neat, and if you are using powerstrips make sure they are new. I almost burned down my house using old ones!

As for the stand, that all depends on your taste. Are you traditional or more of a modern person?

Good luck!
no i dont have a chiller the LEDs put NO heat out its amazing, plus it is a temp conntrolled room. and as for modern or traditional im a little of both. thanks for the ideas that is what i am looking for the more ideas the better.