New 350D Blue Tang Pic


Active member
Hey all took this with my new camera and did the touch up in PS CS. What do you think.

Oh I know it would have been alot better with the full body, but this is what I got when I was playing around.
Amazing sharpness and detail! Great shot :)
I see a tiny bit of chromatic aberration (or what I think of as CA) above his eyes- see a little purple there? There's a company called Epaperpress that has a free Photoshop plug-in that corrects CA-- and wide angle distortion. It works very well and I'm really amazed it's free it's so good.
Hey Thanks! That is a great link! Also I see what you are talking about with the "CA" on the fish. Good catch.

Great looking pics man! How do you add your name like that to your photos? I'd be interested in doing something like that.
I use Photoshop CS and just add a text layer. You can do this with just about any photo editing software.

Thanks for the compliments. ;)
Were these taken with a flash?
if so I guess some kind of extension cord so the flash will fire from the top of the tank?

excellent pics
Hey Rev, dont mean to hijack..but how did you add the border and the text?..(AWESOME pics by the way, very sharp and clear).
Rev, What type of lens are you using for those shots? Also, what is your workflow to get the images so clean, if you don't mind sharing.

I've always tended to get that "purple" on my blue hippo, usually because the blue channel gets blown out. Have you used the plugin that was suggested earlier?