New Acquisition


RC Mod
Staff member
RC Mod
I told myself 2 things.

1. No more corals or fish until I finish the basement and upgrade tanks.

2. I’m not getting into Montipora again.

Well, at Petco today, I saw this. Under their LED lighting it was bright yellow. Looks like it’s going to be green in my tank😞. This pic is right after acclimation, in the store it had crazy polyp extension.


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Petco had it listed as a Monti. But, the more I look at it, I’m thinking Birdsnest. A friend thinks the same.
Here’s a couple pics under 10k MH.


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Nice find! Given the original pic, I’m leaning birds of paradise (not sure if the actual species but looking online, guttatus looks the most accurate to me.
Nice find! Given the original pic, I’m leaning birds of paradise (not sure if the actual species but looking online, guttatus looks the most accurate to me.
Thanks Shane, I weak looking at my Veron books. I will say, I feel really dumb believing Petco’s labelling it as a Monti. The color at the store was so stunning I didn’t question species.
@Nanook thinks it might be a Pocillipora. Honestly, I’m not sure what it is. I never really got into Stylos, Pocillis or Seriatas in the past. I always concentrated on Acros and Montis.
It does look fuzzy for a Birdsnest but I have seen fuzzy Birdsnest before. If it’s a pocci, just be aware green pocci can be invasive under the right conditions.
It does look fuzzy for a Birdsnest but I have seen fuzzy Birdsnest before. If it’s a pocci, just be aware green pocci can be invasive under the right conditions.
Yeah, my friend has brown Pocci spreading everywhere. This one has me perplexed as to an ID.
Yep, I think @Nanook was right. I believe it’s P. kelleheri. Pics below credited to Veron.


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