New acropora bug resitant to any dip interceptor flatworm exit,


Premium Member
Ok i find a new terror i have tested many dip, Revive, iodine, flatworm exit, potassium noting touch it
even at lethal dose to coral. i also try Interceptor niet, i was to tear down the tank and garbage the coral so i remove badly infected colony and put them with peppermint shrimp to my surprise pep have to eat the bug in a couple hour it was completely bug free so i toughs i win adding tons of peppermint to the tank they clear all my coral of the bug. 4 month have past today to my surprise another colonie infected those baster were only active at night but learn peppermint shrimp was eating them so now they only go out during the day when Pep are sleeping. Anyone have a clue what those sucker are as they are very bad and will eat a nice SPS in a matter of a couple day

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yea i heard about that name and see some picture look a bit similar but mostly there is no info on them or how to get rid of them any tip?

Looks more like pods on dead skeleton with hatched and unhatched acropora eating flatworm eggs all over. Although there are some black bugs like that, there are also pods like that that travel near the base of the coral which is normally in a shadded area, thoes pods don't hurt the acro and love dead acro skeleton. Also looks like the eggs have been getting eaten by the peppermint shrimp because the eggs are normally clustered together tighter. Or they are just very old hatched eggs. But some peppermint shrimp are great at eating the worms and some eggs when added in high numbers
Looks more like pods on dead skeleton with hatched and unhatched acropora eating flatworm eggs all over. Although there are some black bugs like that, there are also pods like that that travel near the base of the coral which is normally in a shadded area, thoes pods don't hurt the acro and love dead acro skeleton. Also looks like the eggs have been getting eaten by the peppermint shrimp because the eggs are normally clustered together tighter. Or they are just very old hatched eggs. But some peppermint shrimp are great at eating the worms and some eggs when added in high numbers
I agree now that I took a look on a bigger screen.
yea there is many pep shrimp possible they have eat the egg but those bug im positive eat the acropora and they eat them fast 3-4 day they could eat a colonie the size od an orange.
what i picture is the base it eat that coral only the tip are still there tomorow they will be gone

litle tip are still alive yesterday there were at least one of nice skin on each tip. the coral is out of the tank and im trying to find someting to kill it

litle tip are still alive yesterday they were ate meat one inch of nice skin on each tip. the coral is out of the tank and im trying to find someting to kill it
20 ml of Bayer with 250ml Tank water for up to 20 minutes. Keep the dip moving for best results.

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I haven't experienced the black buggs that eat the coral but I know there is a bad outbreak of them. Can we see pictures of some of the healthy spots of the acropora bases and tops? I would get a grip of the aefw outbreak which should help but they don't eat a coral in a couple days unless the numbers are very obsurd.
The link just posted doesn't work.
I just looked at the video. Amazing shots! Well done. The "pods on the dead skeleton in the video look like the harmless ones that are hard to kill with a dip. But they also look a little wierd, like they could be see slugs of some sort. We need to see pictures of the healthy colonies or areas of the skin that you see damage, not all dead skeleton pics because pests that eat the coral normally stay on the healthy coral unless they are laying eggs.
it is a 500 gallon fill of SPS clam and invert not that easy :) i will try natural red first than tear down that tank and we dont have Bayers in Canada
I haven't experienced the black buggs that eat the coral but I know there is a bad outbreak of them. Can we see pictures of some of the healthy spots of the acropora bases and tops? I would get a grip of the aefw outbreak which should help but they don't eat a coral in a couple days unless the numbers are very obsurd.
The link just posted doesn't work.
I just looked at the video. Amazing shots! Well done. The "pods on the dead skeleton in the video look like the harmless ones that are hard to kill with a dip. But they also look a little wierd, like they could be see slugs of some sort. We need to see pictures of the healthy colonies or areas of the skin that you see damage, not all dead skeleton pics because pests that eat the coral normally stay on the healthy coral unless they are laying eggs.

there is no bit mark i know pretty well AEFW and they dont eat coral that fast and do bit mark not this one coral is almost all gone now
there is no bit mark i know pretty well AEFW and they dont eat coral that fast and do bit mark look that picture see better

I know what you say but how about upping the dose until it does kill them? What do you have to lose? On the other forum there is a thread about black bugs.
I feel your pain my friend. I have known several people who had them. No one had come up with a successful method of killing them off...all have torn down tanks and started over. They take out a frag overnight and a colony in a couple of nights. Ours were the same....took forever to figure out what was killing my acros as it always seemed to happen overnight...during lights on never see them. Checked middle of night and saw what appeared as algae but it was moving...closer magnification revealed the exact same bug. Not sure what they are to be honest.

Iodine in a bowl seemed to kill them for a nice dose to where the water was nicely orange. We also hypothesize that they hide in the corals tissue/skeleton/polyps, as we all dipped our corals prior to introducing into systems. I now own a separate QT system for this specific reason....they are the bastard child of satan!!!!