New acropora bug resitant to any dip interceptor flatworm exit,

exactly Cathman mine where only active at night so after adding peppermint shrimp to the tank they clear acro from them for many month until now they decide to go out during the day and hide at night when pepermith shrimp are active. They are real sucker
In the very last part of the video in the first post, some of the grey bugs look like slugs with black round eyes. I have seen little slugs like that on zoanthids but they only caused the polyps to close up and didn't eat them. What do you think the small green eggs are on the coral if you don't have aefw?
Hey Steph, I can’t believe they are back!! :(
What about a whole bunch of different wrasses? They’ll feed during the day..
What dose potassium did you use and for how long?
Maybe a longer dip in potassium? Like 30-40 minutes.. it probably won’t kill the eggs though.
In the video, I can’t believe how big the eggs are compared to the baby bugs.. looks like 10 babies could fit in a single egg. The eggs are definitely clustered differently than aefw eggs.
I’m surprised to see so many eggs. I would think the peppermints would at least take care of them..
Maybe you need even more peppermints...
Hey Steph, I can't believe they are back!! :(
What about a whole bunch of different wrasses? They'll feed during the one will be a sixtine i have order some already and pipefish
What dose potassium did you use and for how long? i bought it from Regis in quebec maybe i should have try another source
Maybe a longer dip in potassium? Like 30-40 minutes.. it probably won't kill the eggs though. they seem to be completely unaffected by it
In the video, I can't believe how big the eggs are compared to the baby bugs.. looks like 10 babies could fit in a single egg. The eggs are definitely clustered differently than aefw eggs. i dont see any AEFW there and no bite mark tank god
I'm surprised to see so many eggs. I would think the peppermints would at least take care of them..
Maybe you need even more peppermints...
Im alway afraid to put to much there is already 25 of them there in long run they sometime turn to be pest themselves when hungry
I have used potassion K by brightwell and killed flatworms extremely quickly. You can easily go up to 2000ppm.. mhucasey mentioned this.. corals can tolerate quite high levels for short dips.. 15-30 minutes..
The mecoral dip reminded me of Melafix marine as well- also very effective.
My tank is 200 gallons and I originally had between 30-40 peppermint shrimp in there. They did go after acans and anemones but nothing else..
Any luck OP? Curious if any of the dips mentioned works. I thought i tried revive and it didn't phase them....not sure what strength i used though. Iodine (I had lugols on hand) worked with a nice orange tint to the mix. My problem was when I caught them I had many nice colonies attached to rocks and no QT at the time.

Those are definitely their eggs, not aefw....they lay them randomly and each looks like one egg...not sure how many bugs come out of one. These bastards can take out a standard frag overnight and a colony in a few nights. I have started all over now and hope I never see these again. I have definitely narrowed my online vendor choices down since this.