New Acros, Dead Sponge, RTN, anyone had this happen?


New member
at my work the other day we got in a shipment of sps, acros and a SUPER FLIPPEN AWSOME superman monti...
One of the acros, not sure the species, arrived on a small rock that smelled quite bad, the next day or two I noticed RTN near the base... so I fragged it and dipped the frags in about 3 cups of tank water with 3 or 4 drops of Lugols... so far so good.

Anyone had this happen to them?

Is the reason why the acro started to RTN because of the dieing sponge?, BTW: it was a borring (digging?) sponge.

it was an awsome colony too, light baby blue with neon blue polyps... really good.

everything else is fine, just that one acro did this...

any suggestions?
I have heard of this before. But never experienced it myself. Dying sponges can really be a bad thing when it comes to acros. Glad to hear all is doing well now.
There was a reefer here in town that lost a good portion of his tank when he accidentally squished a sponge after re-aquascaping. He never even knew the sponge was there.
In the case I know about he tested everything under the sun and nothing showed up. He concluded it was toxins.
I have had pieces die that had sponge on them . I no longer buy any piece that has dead or dying sponge on it . If the rock smells like uncured rock I leave the coral unless I can pop it off.
We seem to have plenty of experience with sponges here in AZ. :D

See occupation<---

I cringe when I get a whiff of a dead sponge on a coral or even see a black portion. Neither one bodes well for the piece. Sometimes if I put them in a high flow portion of the system (500g) they make it through without issue, most of the time they don't.

Tell your boss to talk to your supplier and ask that they screen corals shipped to your facility for dying sponges, I usually ask them to only send "clean" corals, those with no sponge to foul up the bag or rot on the rock.
There was a reefer here in town that lost a good portion of his tank when he accidentally squished a sponge after re-aquascaping. He never even knew the sponge was there.
euuuh, not good!

Tell your boss to talk to your supplier and ask that they screen corals shipped to your facility for dying sponges, I usually ask them to only send "clean" corals, those with no sponge to foul up the bag or rot on the rock.

I normally talk to this supplier, and normally the guy who hand picks our stuff gets good stuff... Its possible that this one slipped through his "nose" and whatnot.

Normally we try and get cultured peices... but this time we got a mixture of different corals, some wild, some cultured...

A couple of months back we received a nice sized superman that had some dieing sponge under the rock, didnt know at the time, didnt smell, after a few days a white bacterial film covered the montipora and killed all but a tiny portion of it.... it was a sad happening.

This time I was esspecially careful about looking out for those things!

Looks like that acro in question didnt make it after all, the peice I carried home is starting to TN and the peices at the store from what Ive heard TN'd , but the rest of the acros are fine, which is good news!

Do you guys recommend a lugols dip with incomming acros?

Normally Ill just adjust for Temp, drip them in the system for about an hour or so, take them out and let them slime for about 2 - 3 minutes and place them...