Hello everyone.
I am two years or so new to this and I have something going on I just can't get a handle on.
I try and do all the right things but when it comes to keeping fish I am missing something.
So for about a 1.5 years I have been adding fish. They seem to stay alive for a month or so and just die off. Seem perfectly healthy the day before they die.
The thing that I can't figure out is there are 4 fish that don't die and they have been in the tank for probably a year now. A Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown and a couple Damsels. They keep on going while I've gone through three Sailfins, two Yellow Eyed Tangs and two Fox faces. There are probably some more I don't recall.
If my water was bad in regards to high Ammonia or anything else that would harm fish why would those four still thrive?? Can't figure it out.
Corals are doing fine. Seeing growth on most, sometimes one dies off for whatever reason but never sent up any red flags since the majority were doing good.
Water changes weekly ranging from 5-15 gallons. Dosing CA and AK daily, MG when needed. Feed Nori twice a week, misis once a week.
120 gallon tall, 55 gallon sump. Fish listed above plus cleanup crew consisting of shrimps (5), blue and red hermits (not sure how many), serpent stars (2), sand sifting star, and a red sea star......not much in the tank.
Here is a link to a test done today showing everything seems to be within the parameters. I use API for the Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite and PH. CA, AK and MG I use Red Sea and those results are also within the stated parameters.....https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jzkhb3p4mv2lp6/API Test 12:28.jpg?dl=0
I'm a diligent tank owner and have over come other obstacles but this one has be stumped. Here is a link to a little movie showing the tank. Maybe you can see something I am missing......https://www.dropbox.com/s/o4lur12ok5uz7mg/File Dec 28, 4 31 59 PM.mov?dl=0
Thank you in advance for any help you can lend.
I am two years or so new to this and I have something going on I just can't get a handle on.
I try and do all the right things but when it comes to keeping fish I am missing something.
So for about a 1.5 years I have been adding fish. They seem to stay alive for a month or so and just die off. Seem perfectly healthy the day before they die.
The thing that I can't figure out is there are 4 fish that don't die and they have been in the tank for probably a year now. A Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown and a couple Damsels. They keep on going while I've gone through three Sailfins, two Yellow Eyed Tangs and two Fox faces. There are probably some more I don't recall.
If my water was bad in regards to high Ammonia or anything else that would harm fish why would those four still thrive?? Can't figure it out.
Corals are doing fine. Seeing growth on most, sometimes one dies off for whatever reason but never sent up any red flags since the majority were doing good.
Water changes weekly ranging from 5-15 gallons. Dosing CA and AK daily, MG when needed. Feed Nori twice a week, misis once a week.
120 gallon tall, 55 gallon sump. Fish listed above plus cleanup crew consisting of shrimps (5), blue and red hermits (not sure how many), serpent stars (2), sand sifting star, and a red sea star......not much in the tank.
Here is a link to a test done today showing everything seems to be within the parameters. I use API for the Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite and PH. CA, AK and MG I use Red Sea and those results are also within the stated parameters.....https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jzkhb3p4mv2lp6/API Test 12:28.jpg?dl=0
I'm a diligent tank owner and have over come other obstacles but this one has be stumped. Here is a link to a little movie showing the tank. Maybe you can see something I am missing......https://www.dropbox.com/s/o4lur12ok5uz7mg/File Dec 28, 4 31 59 PM.mov?dl=0
Thank you in advance for any help you can lend.