new anthias hiding


New member
Got a new anthias on Friday night, he is still hiding. How long do they usually hide. BTW, it's a purple queen anthias.
That fish hiding is the least of your troubles. In my experience, this fish is regarded as a rental. Getting it to eat will be the hardest part. If he will eat, don't worry about him hiding. Normally you should buy anthias in groups of 5 or more. since they are schooling fish.
well that's the problem, if he's hiding how the hell can I know if he's eating. He sort of comes out once a day and that's it so I don't know if he's eating or not.
I don't want to state the obvious but if I can't get him to come out how would I catch him?
Hey, if you need another anthias, I know someone who's selling one. Very active and eats aggressively. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6905346#post6905346 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by garod82
If i purchased another anthias would it make him more comfortable?
Normally you should buy anthias in groups of 5 or more.