New ATO / AWC GHL Config Help


New member
I just ordered my GHL, and am beginning to lay things out. I drew up this diagram, but wasn't sure if there might be a better route to this or if I have missed something that could make this easier. Maybe you could have a look at let me know. I also ordered a solenoid from auto top off, but I could always order more if needed (didn't think i'd need more than one though).

It's a drawing on a Google doc located here.

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Your diagram looks good I just would not have an auotmated refill of your salinity tank as this can lead to accidental hyposalinity situations in your main system.

For further support and advise we look forward to welcoming you on the forum above ;)

All the best
I just would not have an auotmated refill of your salinity tank as this can lead to accidental hyposalinity situations in your main system.

Hi Michael,

I am thinking that my diagram may be a bit confusing (or incorrectly drawn) as there is no auto refill planned. I had planned to manually open the ball valve, then manually trigger the solenoid via the GHL until it is full, then switch everything back to ATO mode and let the AWC do it's thing.

Does that make sense or am I off?

Thanks again.
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