New Baby Clowns


Premium Member
I got these at the frag swap. They are SO small, make my 12G look huge. The large dark one is a black false percula and the other is an onyx true percula. They are so young their colors and stripes havent come in yet. It will be fun to watch them grow up.

PS--Fish are hard to take pictures of.

Very nice it should be interesting watching the colors amerge as they grow. You are right it is hard taking pictures of fish, cant wait for the meeting where we can lean about taking pictures of our tanks.
I was hoping the lady was there that I bought my baby percs from last year. She had raised them and the price was extremely low. I checked with the guy who had the clowns this year and he wanted $30 for a single one. Kermit's here I come. I did buy a small royal gramma and a yellow clown goby at The Reef Down Under on Friday. I have not seen the royal gramma since I put him in (my previous one was quite shy), but the little clown is in the 12 downstairs and is out all the time.
$30 for a single what? I got a pair of False Percs for $20 and the pair above for $45. The black False and the Onyx sell for about $50 each in stores. We havent made it to The Reef in a couple of weeks. Wish we had, Doris wants a Royal Gramma.
i would bet mine is about 2months older than yours so have fun its great watching themcolor up
feed tons of frozen Cyclopeze