New build - Fluval Evo XII

I've ordered some inverts and they'll be delivered Thursday. I picked up the Marine Variety Pack #2 from It was the right amount of snails + a couple other desirables with 2nd day shipping added in. This allowed me to add the shrimp and conch. I appreciate that this pack does not come with hermits of any kind and the only crustacean is a porcelain crab, not even an emerald.

10 Nassarius snail
5 Tapestry snail
1 Tiger conch
1 feather duster
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 porcelain crab (I will regret it)
a dose of copepods and amphipods
a macro algae (bill of lading says MAC-BRUSH-1 - but aquariumdepot didn't have brush even listed on the macro page)

I picked up the inTank chamber 2 media box and I'll modify the charcoal foam enclosure to fit the top chamber, bottom two will be for the macro (unless I really find it display worthy), pods, and I'll likely break up one of my rocks and put the rubble on the bottom.

I'm still feeding a cube of frozen daily (~5g) and ammonia is being processed nicely. I am pulling good skimate in chamber one, and I have the foam with charcoal (no nitrate factory bioballs) in chamber two at the moment.

My copepod population is great after 3.5 weeks - front glass (if I do not clean algae) hosts dozens if not hundreds of pods so my population is good in that respect. The tiny mini bristle stars (1mm) are gaining numbers as well. I expect the amphipods/copepods from AD to really solidify the infauna population.

I am cautiously optimistic at the progress at this point. Compared to my foibles and adventures in the past this has been smoother than I expected. Enough cannot be said for starting with the cleanest of ingredients - water, sand, and rock. Do not start a tank without a RO/DI or immediate access to very clean water. Use a TDS and be certain. Despite my calls for patience and promise to myself that it would be a minimum of 3 months before adding a coral, a deal for a sexy shrimp + mini carpet anemone was really tempting. I resisted though. It will be almost 4 weeks to the day I added water, between the live rock and (maybe) live sand, my cycle was almost minimal. To the point where I can almost see adding fish within days of starting a tank.
I got my inverts today. The skunk cleaner was DOA. The feather duster had ditched its tube; there is a lot of flow for this worm and it is taking its time finding a landing spot. I did not see the worm move at all, but it looked like it was secreting mucus and picking up sand. The macro is a shaving brush and I've got it in the display at the moment. I did not receive my order of amphipods and copepods either.
I got my inverts today. The skunk cleaner was DOA. The feather duster had ditched its tube; there is a lot of flow for this worm and it is taking its time finding a landing spot. I did not see the worm move at all, but it looked like it was secreting mucus and picking up sand. The macro is a shaving brush and I've got it in the display at the moment. I did not receive my order of amphipods and copepods either.

Duster worm was also DOA. I suspected as much. I was in Reno today so I picked up a new cleaner shrimp, and five turban snails. These guys are doing A-OK so far.

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I was at the LFS today
I bought some snails, and shrimp.


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Well despite my hammering on patience to every new reefer I've gone off my established timeline.

I posted this on Facebook Sunday:

4 days after adding inverts and I went off script and bought my fish. The feather duster worm I had gotten was dead indeed on arrival (I had hopes and you are instructed to lay it on substrate despite appearing dead). I found the porcelain crab also dead on day two, I suspect there was a big ammonia hit. The worm and about 1/2 the snails did not make it 🤨 I have not had this problem with Live Aquaria before but I picked the worst week possible for shipping. Ammonia tested .25ppm Friday night and zero on Saturday.

Yesterday I picked up a new cleaner (skunk) shrimp and 5 turban snails. No problems acclimating. I also bought the rest of the test kits I need. Calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and hardness/AK. The last could be higher but it is totally within range. Everything is is spot on.

Today I went to Pet Smart for 2 part AK/PH/calcium buffer and...

They had aquaculture black saddleback clowns for a quarter the price they sell them for at the local fish store. I replaced the feather duster worm and added a pair of saddlebacks (their dorsal fin is saddle shaped).

I am thinking of Where the Red Fern Grows for names. I should name them if they are the only verts in the tank right?

Today I posted this:

Earlier today I was making a late lunch and glanced at the tank on the way from kitchen to desk. To my horror both clowns are on the substrate and my heart races. They had been eating well, not hugely active, but nothing I was concerned over the past few days. 'Little Ann' was on her* side and a nassarius snail and the conch were right there and I was afraid she was already becoming a snack. I quickly turned to the other side of the sand and 'Big Dan' is almost upside down on the sand. I turn back a few seconds later and Ann is swimming contentedly in her* normal spot. I turn back to Dan and catch him wriggling in the sand (right side up now) and making a burrow. After < 4 days these two have mated up and started spawning. I have a feeling the are both male at the moment, but Dan was the most serious about making a nest so I suspect Ann may turn and live up to her* name :D (the male makes the nest and watches over the brood until they hatch). Who knows maybe after 5-6 spawns I may try my hand at raising the fry. I am really hoping to see some egg laying.

In any case the fact that they are trying says they like the conditions in the tank quite a bit. Even after I calmed down, I still ran the normal tests to make sure nothing was off so bad it would be killing fish. They looked suffocated and I was worried about a major PH problem or ammonia. I had no idea what else could come on in ~30 minutes it had been since I had last looked at the tank.

Yes I went off script and added earlier than I planned. Please note that I am not new at this. Despite my hiatus have around 25 years experience keeping marine tanks and close to that reef tanks (my dad and brothers kept lionfish and anemones in the early 70's that we somehow kept alive through several moves into the late 80's). I am cautiously optimistic. I almost feel like I dotted all the i's and crossed the t's before putting water in this time.

My decision to add invertebrates a month early was heavily influenced by the fact that after adding the initial invertebrates the cycle was established enough that only a minor ammonia spike was seen despite fairly significant losses in tank of snails, crab, and feather duster worm (Aquarium Depot refunded the DOAs - super solid company in my experience). Subsequent livestock additions were zero fatality as I would hope. For the record I do a minimum 1 hour float and then drip acclimation on all livestock (not the macro algae this time but in the future - no reason not too). These were the first vertebrates in the tank and I decided to forego QT for that reason however there is already a QT tank on hold for the court jester goby I want to add in a while.

I will NOT add coral prior to June 1 unless my calcium, mg, alk, and phos stay right where they are for 90 days...oh wait, that's around June 1st isn't it... ;)
I ordered an AI Prime HD and mount the other day to replace the stock LED bar(s). I will use one to light my refugium chamber. The other will go on my QT tank. I am considering adding a Biota mandarin. After QT is no longer needed, I'll use it in the stand I build if I feel the need for a refugium underneath. I said in a different thread I will be adding an automated daily water change system to cycle ~10% a day. I need to pick up a new heater and power head for mixing water tomorrow.

Things are getting dialed in but I see an apex controller in my future
Great build, love the rock scape

They fell lucky. No joke

I have epoxy and I am considering drilling and using rod to make it look like this permanently. I want to solidify things for a good 6 months first though.

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I got the mount for the AI HD today and hooked it up. I programmed with the BRS recommendation and scheduled an 11 hour sunup to sundown with 1 hour ramp in and out. Lighting has come a long way in ~10 years.

I pulled the trigger on the dragonet and my QT is ready for her to arrive anytime. I went Biota for the obvious reasons. I did keep a dragonet alive for a few years back in the day (I got lucky with food) and I cannot wait to see the new vert.

I have decided to build a custom "˜island' stand for this tank that will contain a pair of 10 gallons for new water and wastewater. I will automate daily water changes. I will put my auto top off reservoir underneath also. My only question at the moment is how lonely the tank would look on an island.

I do not think there is a huge amount of bio diversity in the live rock I got from the LFS. I have seen no bristle worms (I have one local reefer I could ask). There is denitrifying bacteria and pods but no worms (serpulids) in the Moani rock and nothing to write home about in the Real Reef rubble I bought for the chamber I am using for the refugium.

In addition to the dragonet I picked up the algaebarn refugium starter pack which includes pods, phytoplankton, Macroalgae (lettuce in this case), and some cycling cubes that I don't know what I'll do with. I also stocked a pair of jars of nano brine. I think this should bridge the transition from QT to DT and gives me plenty to stock the DT and refugium chamber pretty heavily with pods. I am not deficient in pods at the moment but I would like to see more than I do before I add a mandarin to it, the clowns are pigs.

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I cancelled my algae barn order and reordered from Live Aquaria. Two days after I placed the order with AB they wanted more money for shipping. I got a sketchy feeling about the company for reasons. Hopefully I get my refund.

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The green algae on the rock is a great sign of what I call hardening. Higher order algaes are out competing cyano and hair algae. Coralline can be seen on glass on plastic parts. The green often gives way to coralline from here given adequate calcium and trace elements.

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