new cam zoo pics


New member
My new camera arrived today. And though I still have alot to learn about it, I couldn't resist snapping away.

Here's a couple pics of my zoos.

Mean greens

Just got these today as well.
Anyone have an ID for these?
Thats what I was thinking. I did check that site when I brought them home. Just wasn't sure. Thanks RJ.
Thanks RJ.

Speckled, it's a fuji finepix E510. It's got a super macro function that's pretty cool. It was the most affordable 5.1 mp that I found.
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Do you have those red ones growing on the remains of a pen shell? That makes for a colorful display. I trip over those things at the beach almost everytime I'm out there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6711525#post6711525 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Aquatic Hamster
Do you have those red ones growing on the remains of a pen shell?

Yeah. There's also some watermelon shrooms on the other end of it. I'll try to get a pic of the whole thing up later.