New coral beauty not eating


New member
Hello -

I bought a pretty full grown coral beauty on Monday. I know it can take a couple days til a new fish takes to eating, but it's now Saturday and still nothing. I've tried spectrum pellets, nori, and now brine shrimp and the fish won't eat. Fish looks healthy, colorful, and active. It mostly ignores the pellets, occasionally spits some out. It doesn't touch the nori and my urchin gets to it before he does. Figured the frozen brine shrimp would be a guarantee. He had no interest. Maybe tried one or two bites and spit it right back out.

Any ideas or suggestions? I don't know what else to try, but I worry I'm on the verge of overfeeding the tank.
Does it pick on your rocks, etc? How is it's back (plump, round 'shoulders' or skinny)? It its picking on rocks it could be getting nutrients that way. Fish don't need much. Not saying it shouldn't eventually be taking pellets etc, but it might take some time for it to settle in.
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Sometimes, you can entice a fish into eating with live black worms or even live brine shrimp. The key being something live.