New custom 700g semi reef tank stocking level


New member
Yes I am taking a deep dive back into the hobby! I will be custom making a approx 700g tank measurement 7' Long's 3' deep and 4 1/2 feet high. It will have a 120g sump with wet/dry and protein skimmers, A+ lighting.

I want to focus on the fish so it w/b semi reef in that it will have live sand and rock as well as mushrooms, polyps, bubble anemones (for the clowns of course!), carpet aneniome lots of clean up crews.

HEres the stock: Keeping in mind adult sizes for these fish, I'm thinking about the following stocking level: 1 of each- Emperor, Scribble and majestic and flame angel's, 1 each Yellow, Naso, hippo and powder blue tangs, 3 pairs of clown fish, 8 chromis damsels, 1flamehawk, &1 royal gramma. Let me know what you think. SO exciting! Thanks! Flamehawk
There should be plenty of room for those fish on your list. You may even want to consider multiple Yellow Tangs and Flames. Damn with that size tank you could throw in a sea turtle. Welcome back to the hobby.
Yes I am taking a deep dive back into the hobby!

You're gonna have to dive in to clean a 4 1/2' high tank!... Personally I'll never have another tank over 27" tall... But 700g would be nice.
My new tank is 6'x5', 500g... the 5' depth (front to back) is the best, so glad I got it!
You're gonna have to dive in to clean a 4 1/2' high tank!... Personally I'll never have another tank over 27" tall... But 700g would be nice.
My new tank is 6'x5', 500g... the 5' depth (front to back) is the best, so glad I got it!

Yeah 4 1/2 high s/b interesting. What’s your fish stocking level? What kind of fish in the 500g?
Yeah 4 1/2 high s/b interesting. What’s your fish stocking level? What kind of fish in the 500g?
Without counting, I'd say that I have ~30 fish right now, will end up with 50-60 ... Had 80 fish in my previous 8'x 40" 450g tank, for almost 10 yrs.
Tank is primarily softie tank, but some LPS and SPS.
Will have about 10-12 angels, 5-6 tangs (not the usual ones), 20+ wrasses, and whatever else I 'have to have'!
Whoa, that is going to be cool! You'll definitely have space for those fish you listed. I agree with the others, might as well get more groups of fish. Why not also add a blue unicorn (Naso brevirostris). That would be very cool since not many people are able to add that particular fish given their size. :0)
Whoa, that is going to be cool! You'll definitely have space for those fish you listed. I agree with the others, might as well get more groups of fish. Why not also add a blue unicorn (Naso brevirostris). That would be very cool since not many people are able to add that particular fish given their size. :0)

Think I'll get more groups then add the unicorn as it gets rather large (up to 2'!). but thank you for the suggestion and reply!
Look forward to reading about the tank design... acrylic or glass? That is 7 tons plus, wow! What does substrate look like to hold that beast?
Look forward to reading about the tank design... acrylic or glass? That is 7 tons plus, wow! What does substrate look like to hold that beast?

The team that is making the tank is a firm believer in glass. It will indeed be a beast. The designer is actually in process of putting together all the specs, cabinetry requirements, wall measurements, etc. We are right at the beginning of the process. I'll try to see if I can post some pics of the process. Likely to start in 1-2 months and take 2-3 months to build and start stocking....slowly.
I’d go with a big school of threadfin cardinals instead of the chromis. Not a colorful fish but they add a natural look to the tank and don’t pick each other off like the chromis seem to. Once you get a group that survives shipping they are a pretty hardy fish. In a tank your size I’d have like 20 of them. I have 7 in my 90 and wish I could fit more.

For your question, you can definitely fit everything on your list and plenty more.

If you are going to trying three pairs of clowns try to spread the anemones as far apart as possible.