New Driver stopped Working

Hi. I just purchased a replacement driver for my 6100 pump and its been woking for about 2-3 months or so and now all of the sudden it wont work. I have plugged the pump itself into a different driver and it works and I have also plugged a different pump into the driver and nothing. Im sure its the driver. Is there any kind of warranty on this. I purchased it direct from Tunze just a few months ago. Thanks for the help.

Jason Randall

Send in the pump and driver, we will get this resolved. Most likely your pump has a flaw that is ruining drivers. Spare parts carry no warranty, but we will find a fair solution.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
OK Thanks for the reply. I will send this driver unit and pump in to you tomorrow. The reason I bought this new driver was because the original driver got water leaked on to it while I had it temporarily set-up and so it fried. The orginal driver with pump had worked flawlessly for two years prior. The pump fires and works normally on my other drivers so it seems to be a faulty driver. Im sure you guys will let me know.