New Earth Friendly Boxes For Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals Salt

Great!! But im a new reefer. So would I have to purchase a 160 gallon bucket first? Can I order the 200 gallon and get a free bucket?

Thank you for your post. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however the 200 Gallon Mix of Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals are only sold in boxes at this time. Unfortunately, we do not have any extra buckets available. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Dallas R.
Drs. Foster & Smith
gbothepro - Home Depot sells 5 gal buckets ...

dfs/la2 ---- This is GREAT! , i ran out of things to do with all empty buckets .... !

I'm assuming these boxes are filled at the same location the buckets are and there are no "issues" with the parameters in the mix ?

Thank you for your post. Only the packaging of the Instant Ocean & Reef Crystals Synthetic Sea Salt 200 gallon mix is different. The parameters should be the same regardless of the package size. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Dallas R.
Drs. Foster & Smith
Dumb question - is the boxed salt packaged in 1 large bag, or is it packaged into say 3 or 4 individual bags within the box?

Excellent deal BTW!

Thank you for your inquiry. The 200 gallon box of both the Reef Crystals and the Instant Ocean salt has only one bag containing the salt, in order to further minimize the effect of the packaging on the environment. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions.

Sandy C.
Drs. Foster and Smith
Check your local club...

Check your local club...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14228653#post14228653 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gbothepro
Great!! But im a new reefer. So would I have to purchase a 160 gallon bucket first? Can I order the 200 gallon and get a free bucket?

Check with your local aquarists' club. Usually there are folks with a dozen empties in the garage... I am sure you can find someone to give you several buckets...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14265684#post14265684 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dfs/la2

Thank you for your inquiry. The 200 gallon box of both the Reef Crystals and the Instant Ocean salt has only one bag containing the salt, in order to further minimize the effect of the packaging on the environment. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions.

Sandy C.
Drs. Foster and Smith

I just received two boxes of the Reef Crystals salt. Actually there are (4) clear plastic bags containing 50 lbs. salt mix in each box. Very convenient, though I immediately poured the mixture into empty Reef Crystals buckets that I keep around the house...

Thanks, DFS! A good deal.


Thank you for your order and posting about the new packaging for the Reef Crystals 200 gallon box. You are correct; there are 4 clear plastic bags in each box. We apologize for the mistake on a previous post and appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

You are a valued customer, and we look forward to hearing from you again.

Pat S.
Drs. Foster and Smith
Technical Support
I am disappointed with the raise in price on the IO and RC salt. Why did the bucket go up $10? I will just order Seachem from Aqua Cave and save on shipping from now on.

Thank you for your post. We appreciate the opportunity to explain our prices including shipping costs as oftentimes we may not be the lowest but we are always competitive. When comparing our overall pricing with Aquacave, we have found that our rates are still competitive. If you were to purchase a single bucket of Red Sea Coral Pro Salt, Aquacave charges $19.99 for overweight ground shipping, bringing the total to $68.95. Our cost for one bucket is $59.98 including shipping. We are excited to offer no additional shipping costs for oversized or overweight items, so when ordering multiple buckets from us, the savings increase.

Mike S.
Technical Support
Drs. Foster and Smith
Good thing I live 5 miles south of them in Waukegan, IL then.

I am not the only one complaining of the new price. The salt price was really the only reason I ordered from you guys, now with the increase, I won't bother. I can get the bucket for $46 from Aqua Cave and have it that day.

You guys pretty much had the salt market cornered with the low price and good shipping rates, and it caused a lot of people to order other stuff that they normally wouldn't, but I predict that most will go pay $50 from a LFS than to wait and have to pay shipping.

Thanks for the years of good service, Joe Cude.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14357215#post14357215 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GoingPostal
Still a whole lot cheaper than around here, I get to drive 3 hours one way to pay $80 for a bucket.

Have you tried Saltwater Empire in Minneapolis? I think they are selling the Reef crystals for $45 to $50 bucks. The last time i was there was a year ago, so maybe their prices have went up.
<a>Originally posted</a> by dfs/la2
We are excited to offer no additional shipping costs for oversized or overweight items, so when ordering multiple buckets from us, the savings increase.

Mike S.
Technical Support
Drs. Foster and Smith

I use a LOT of salt and have been purchsing it almost exclusively from DFS for quite some time. You are correct in referencing that the savings increase as you order a higher quantity of buckets. This is great and it has kept me coming back.

Unfortunately, my last two orders (both in 2009) have had issues relative to it being shipped common carrier vs. FedEx. When I had the issue with 10 buckets ordered in January, I was instructed to order 9 buckets or fewer to get FedEx shipping. I ordered 9 this week but got a call that it was shipping common carrier again (at least you called this time). I put up a fuss and eventually they rerouted it FedEx...."this time" I do not particularly care how it arrives but with common carrier you have to be available to unload it from the truck (unless you want it left at the end of your driveway). My wife is home but does not have the ability to unload due to health FedEx is crucial to me. I took a vacation day in January to accomodate receipt of the shipment. Unfortunately, there is no mention of this on your website when you place the order. This is problematic and from what I can tell it is left up to chance as to how it will actually ship. This may not be important to most but is to me and I am hopeful you have a solution before my next order. Ordering from DFS and Live Aquaria has always been simple and reliable...until this current wrinkle.

Thank you.
Norm R,

Thank you for your post. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and would be happy to look into this for you. Please PM us with your order or customer information at your convenience.

Dallas M.
Drs. Foster & Smith