New Equipment for Sale - Ca Reactor Korallin c1502 + Regulator + CO2 + Media


New member
This all retails as "Package 2" on Marine Depot for $625.99, and I'll sell it all as a package for $500 (or priced individual in the descriptions). That's a 20% discount and this is all brand new and never been run.

Korallin C1502 Calcium Reactor with recommended Eheim 1048 Pump $350 - Never been used. I just poured media into it once and then poured it out. It's never been hooked up to a tank and never had water in it. The pump has very limited use as an ATO pump replacement until I got a new mag. Product link:

Dual Guage Deluxe Regulator Brand new Never used $100. I haven't even taken the twist tie off the power cord. This has never been touched, it's brand new.

Aluminum 5lb Carbon Dioxide Tank FULL and never used $80. Again, this has never been touched and the tank is completely full.

Caribsea A.R.M. Aragonite Reactor Media 8 lb (Coarse) Never Used $20