NEW Eshopps Refugiums, 2nd Generation


.Registered Member
Eshopps introduced their new protein skimmer friendlyrefugium sumps. It comes in three sizes to fit systems from 50 - 300 gal.
Refugiums are one of the most efficient ways of filtration in saltwater aquaria today.
Not only is it a natural way to filter your display tank but it is a sanctuary for micro-organisms to flourish and reproduce.
The Macro-algae used in the refugium will utilize nitrates and phosphates from your water column. These algae’s uses these nutrients to grow and thrive.

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How much water does the protein skimmer sit in for the R-200 model? (What's the operating water height in the first compartment of the R-200 sump?)
Is there a specific light that goes with this sump for the refugium section? Is there any recommendations for a specific light that would fit this sump?
Skimmer chamber water depth

Skimmer chamber water depth

How much water does the protein skimmer sit in for the R-200 model? (What's the operating water height in the first compartment of the R-200 sump?)

ON my R-100's about 10.5" deep when operating.
Can't say specs that call that out are to be found...really.