new frag tank.. need help


New member
hey i have a 20 gallon high tank that i want to turn into a frag tank for zoas. plan is to use a 4-buld t5 light for it. Bottom half of the tank would have live rock then was gonna make a egg crate rack above it. I have an aquaclear 70 that is brand new laying around and would like to know if that is enough filtration for the tank since there is not gonna be a bioload. also have a penguin 1140 laying around i wanted to use as a powerhead for it. Any thoughts on if this will work fine.

I think I should be okay. but get some powerhead with broad flow. Pengiun 1140 will make your water going crazy, like jet stream. Get Koralia for cheap.
thanks for your input. was just gonna be using the penguin 1140 because its at my house. will plan on getting a koralia. what koralia you think i should get and where should it be placed? above the egg crate or below? anyone else have any thoughts?
no wasnt planning on putting any fish in there. just prolly a couple inverts. also do i need live aragonite sand for the frag tank?
I wouldn't recommend sand in a frag tank. The ability to siphon off the bottom is what one of the thinks that makes maintenance easy on non-display tanks. I would however get a few dry rocks or live rocks if you require and get them running in your main system. After they're live and healthy, you can transfer that over to your frag tank. Unless you're feeding, the live rock will help with a good chunk of the filtration allowing you to not run a skimmer.
I would just add a few misc snails or scarlett crabs personally. Cerith, black foot trochus, etc.
should i put the powerhead under the eggcrate facing up? or should it be on top of egg crate towards the frags. i know they dont like too much current
Personally I avoid using eggcrate, for no other reason that it attracts algae as cleaners have a hard time navigating it. I prefer drilled acrylic.
I think I'm going to try the drilled acrylic when I set up my frag tank. Whats the best way to drill it? Slowly? lol
Actually I think PensFan05 was responding to my acrylic frag shelf comment instead of eggcrate. A hole saw is typically used for bulkheads and a 20h is a standard sized glass tank (so I'm assuming that's the case).

You CAN do it yourself if you want (I would recommend hitting up the DIY forum for some of the acrylic threads), however I would probably recommend just buying a shelf from an acrylic guy. Unless you want to specifically learn acrylic and this is just a stepping stone, your cost for materials, possibility of having do do multiples due to mistakes/cracking, plus all the time for the work... Doing it yourself will likely quickly become more expensive than getting one that is professionally made. Short answer is, an electric drill and the correct bit (typically acrylic/plastic specific or modified normal) or better yet via a router. has some acrylic goodies, and if you sent in a request (dimensions) of what you wanted, they could probably make it happen.

Just a couple of the RC sponsors that deal in acrylic you might be able to reach out to: